Monday, October 1, 2007

I've Been Tagged...AGAIN!

I came in here to check the mail, check my blogger buds and get away from WTHF who picked this beautiful day to paint the porch. Well, I guess I can see his point, it's a beautiful day to paint the porch. But he KNOWS I feel like hell on Mondays, and he also knows that I can't stand to see him out there working when it's something I can help him do. Therefore, he should have waited till tomorrow. So anyway, I came in and checked the mail and then went to check on my blogger guys and stop in to see Abbs ( and the young minx has tagged me. I'm supposed to tell you 7 things about myself that you don't know. Now, I'm not only an open book, I've got a big mouth and no secrets from anyone, that I'm aware of, but I will try to do this and then I'm gonna go Tag me a few. How did Abbie know that Tag was one of my favorite girlhood games?

1. I grew up all over the place, my dad is a Doctor and he went where he was needed...I lived in Florida, Georgia, Ohio, Virginia and Washington, DC. Daddy finally settled in South Carolina where I finished high schoolThen I married a Military Man and he continued to drag me around the world, but ahhhh, love...I went without complaint

2. My favorite classes in school were English and Literature followed closely by History

3. I hated Math...any kind of math and anything to do with math...I'm afraid I have passed this hatred down to my children...their father certainly has no problem with it

4. I can knit, love to knit but have never been able to learn to is beyond no, I hear all of you out there saying you can teach, you cannot teach me...I cannot learn

5. I hate conflict. I hate conflict of any kind. When Saturday Night Live had the skits about the Egg Shell Family, I found it to be unfunny. It was a portrait of my life. I avoid trouble as hard as I can...maybe that is why I was good at my job.

6. Hmm, coming down to the wire now, let me see...I have only ever been married to one man. I chased him till he caught me. I have so far refused to allow him to leave. Some may call this a hostage situation. He just calls it paradise.

7. Man, what do I put here...okay, you all know that I speak my mind, so I am just going to speak it. I believe in Reincarnation, have since about the age of 6 and I also believe in God, believe that i am already saved but have to keep coming back to learn life lessons and pass on what I have learned from the past to others. Thankfully we live in a free world where I can believe as I like. And that's my 7. Now, who to Tag...

I tag Jodie, my little Great Niece who needs to share her life
2. , I tag Sandi, miss Whistlestop Cafe herself and she can include recipes in this if she so desires
3. I tag Sandy at because I want to...and I enjoy doing things like this because I can...

4. And Sophie, there is tooooo much we don't know about here's your tag

5. Kat, you know we love you, now we want you to tell us how you got to where you are

6. And Kathy at, tell us how you got to the beach in seven easy lessons

7. Teresa, you look younger than your children, so in 7 instances, explain why that is so and you can find her and her answers at


Abbie said...

Two treats in one week! Your childhood set you up for being a military wife.
It's such a pleasure to know more about you.
Thanks for participating.

Jeanne said...

Tags are such a fun way to learn new things. What a good sport.

Mary said...

I'm back.Just been catching up with you I love the English connection!I will blog hopefully tomorrow. Hope you are well Mary

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

You can't croche, because you can't to math. it's that simple.
Interesting "Tag".

Sandy McTier Designs said...

Hi Sandi,
Thanks for the tag. I'll post it today when I get home so check back later.
(SO wish I could knit) I learned how in the 6th grade and our teacher would allow us to bring our stuff and knit during breaks/recess but I've forgotten how.
have a great day.
Sandy :)

Justabeachkat said...

Thanks for the tag. I'll work on my list and will post it soon.

Have a wonderful day.


Sophie Honeysuckle said...

Sandi you are not alone-I also hated Maths-just about passed the required grade for university lol!!
I think you've had such a fascinating life-definitely worthy of a book...just like Kari...

PAT said...

I moved around a lot too, as a child and somewhat as an adult.

I don't like math, but my oldest daughter will take a calculus class, just for fun!

I do crochet...but don't knit.

I enjoyed reading your list!


Kari (GrannySkywalker) said...

And here I don't even know what's the difference between knitting and crocheting. ha Once again, my domestication gene is shining through, huh?
I'm the only one out of bed and I'm trying to sneak in some blog reading before anybody catches me. Kaleb just left for school, Jake's feeling sick again, Randey's still snoozing, as is Sherri and I think Ken's actually up and smoking out in the backyard. All these people just wasting their time when they could be blogging. I just don't get it. lol Don't know if I'll get a chance to post anything tonight, but hopefully I will. I'm feeling serious withdrawal pains here! lol

Wanda @ Just Vintage said...

Reincarnation? A subject that fascinates me to no end. You should enjoy one of my upcoming Halloween stories. It involves me and my 4 times great grandmother. Really odd. Eerie.