I have found the art of blogging to be such an amazing thing. It has connected me to people from all over the world, from all walks of life, male and female...it has allowed me to grow as a person, to learn from mistakes others have made (I'm at an age where I can do that). I've told my friends, those that are a part of my everyday life, about my friends who are a part of my blogging life. I don't think they quite understand how you can have a friend whom you have never met face to face. I try to explain it to them, but unless they blog, they don't get it really. I have found that blogging allows me to open up about my life, my feelings on things and the worries that might confound me. It allows me, in some small way, to share in the lives of others out in
Blogland, who may find it difficult to foster friendships in the physical world. By learning to be a friend in the ether you learn to be a friend in fact. Like others of my kind (blogging kind) I find that I spend a good two hours catching up on all my friends posts, responding to each one (commenting is good for the soul) and hate trying to play catchup. I have friends who have recently suffered a cancer scare and have felt their fear and pain and on occasion their great Faith in God that all would be well. They have felt that faith so strongly that it is catching, and you feel it, too. I have learned that most of us are animal lovers, with numerous and sundry pets who are actually family members. Here we don't mind telling how the loss of a beloved pet affects us, how hurt we are that this precious family member has crossed over...for no one laughs at us...if they do, they kindly keep it to themselves. Of course there are mean spirited people out here in
Blogland just as there are in the physical world. Here we have the option of cutting them off at the comment pass. We may share the incident with our other blogging friends, to warn them, but for the most part, we can delete any comments that are cruel or uncalled for.
Today I received an award from
Vee (Just Plain Fun to Read) and then Lee from Chrysalis Dreams (
http://chrysalisdreams.blogspot.com/ contacted me and said this:
The Best Gift of All
Sandi gave me several awards. San gave me a several too. My mom brought me up right. You return a gift with a matching gift as well as a hand written thank you card. Call me an award shopping clutz but I had no idea where to find one that was new and fit my idea of what I wanted it to say. I did keep trying though...every time I looked at one of those lovely awards with pride. Finally, today after typing in several different keywords I found an award that I felt was suitable and that I meant with all of my heart. So, for all their love and support, to my friends San, Sandi, Susan, JS, and David I give the Forever Friends award.I love you guys! You're the BEST! Hugs!
I responded and told Lee I saw editing in my future, to add my new award to the previous post. Then, reading it over and seeing how much thought she put into this award, how lovingly she thought of us, her friends, that I decided that it deserved to stand alone, as well. For Lee is my friend and I think highly of her and regard this award as something special, too. Some people touch your lives so profoundly, that somehow the word internet friend seems trite. So for this award dear Lee, I thank you. I will cherish it.

Sandi, You are so on target with your assessment of the role that other bloggers we meet along our writing way play in our lives. I feel I'm a much bigger person now (and not just from glancing at the numbers on the scales any more, either) from the people I have encountered here and become friends with too. We share parts of our lives here that perhaps we would be reticent to discuss with other friends, up close and personal, ya know. Why? Because there is that inner sense of security in talking openly in a blog post that almost every blogger I've come across gives to us. Great post and great award choices too. Peace!
I agree with your thoughts also. I know how much all of you mean to me!!! Hugs...mary
Bravo! Well said.
I truly value and cherish your friendship and hope to meet you one day in "real life".
Congrats on a well deserved award.
Hugs sweet friend!
I've learnt so much from blogging, thanks for letting us into your life Sandi and coming by mine. Cheers to us all wonderful blogging friends.
Hugs, Adla
What a great and heart warming post!Congrats on your awards!
Have a great wk.
Sandi that is one of the most touching posts I have ever read and it has brought tears to my eyes! Of course, your lovely comments at my place brought me over and I'm here eagerly for that coffee and natter and putting the world to rights.
You are so right about blogging friends, and those that don't blog don't get it. But I have some really true friends here in Blogland, and you're one of the best. We do write about what affects us most, and mostly, people understand, sympathise, support without ever saying they are tired of hearing it!
I love your blog. It is so natural and honest. My sort of blog!
You so deserve those awards, and I totally know what you and your friends mean about wanting to find something original, that says what you want to say. Like Daryl has, I have even resorted to making my own sometimes (and like Fixer, Mother's Pride's daughter - but her expertise is in a different league!!) Enjoy the awards, and consider the sentiment as coming from me too. xoxox
Drat! Reading it for the second time and it's still making me cry. Thanks Sandi. I value you beyond what words can express.
That was a lovely post and blogging is something that you have to experience before you understand it. People on the outside just don't understand the friendship that happens. I am very grateful to every one who visits my blog. So thank you too for visiting mine!
How nice! Congrats!
As usual, you are right on the money. You understand that mean people are everywhere. I've never understood bloggers who make an issue out of a mean comment instead of just deleting it.
I know all the peoples' blogs I've chosen to read here in blogsville are wonderful beautiful people. Especially you. I'm so glad you got this award, you truly deserve it.
When I started blogging several years ago, I had no idea what it even was. And I'm amazed at how many people still don't know or, as you say, Sandi, don't get it.
Now as time has moved on,I've come to the realization that it's similar to what we used to think of as pen pals with the addition of being able to communicate on a daily, if we like, basis.
As others have said, this is a place we can really let our hair down, be our true selves without fear of seeing "rolling eyes". :)
For a long time, my daughter just sort of half way paid attention to my experiences. Now, hardly a day goes by that she doesn't ask "how's so & so doing?". She laughs and cries right along with me.
This was a great post, and I thank you!
Have a happy day!
Lovely post.
may I give you a hug?
Great post, and congratulations on your writing and on your awards, they are so well deserved.
Wishing you a wonderful day from V.,
You're so right, Sandi.
And the size 7 flip-flops are waiting for you in the lobby of the Sheraton Langkawi.
Just need to know if a size 10 is fine for Mac!
So true, Sandi. You've put into words what so many feel and think but can't quite express. Your kindness and friendliness always show through your blog and that's why I'm glad to call you friend.
Great post sweetie!! So True!! I've met the Kindest of people...blogging. Congratulations!!!hughugs
You summed up blogging so well.
Congratulations on the awards, very well deserved. :)
I know! I think I know some of my blogging friends better than my own family! Thanks for the post, it hit a spot in the center of my being today!
Hi Sandi
I have another special award waiting for you. Stop by when you get a chance.
Hugs sweet friend!
Very well stated Sandi. It is an amazing phenomenon. Thanks for stopping by Pappy's today and leaving a comment. Pappy
Hi Sandi,
You are so right about bogging friends. It's so funny because a year ago I didn't know anyone except a few that I had been reading as a lurker and then I decided to take the plunge and look how many nice people I ahve met. It really does warm my heart. Well said post!!!
Simply Perfect! Well said!
Sandra Evertson
Sandi, what a beautiful,wonderful, spectacular post on the land of blog...i have been SO blessed to make many wonderful friends...yes, true friends here in blogland...and you are right, many people who are on the outside of this really just don't quite get it...well, i DO and i am so happy to be a part of this wonderful community of caring, nurturing, encouraging souls!!!
Hi Sandi, I just noticed your comment on Smilnsigh's blog where you said you used to live in Selma. I do the Selma, Ala., Daily Photo blog. (selmaala.blogspot.com)
Come back and visit!
Hi Sandi, I echo the comments of everybody else here. I'm new to blogging so just trying to get the hang of it. I am becoming braver...and yes, it all helps the soul! A UK comedian said in the Sunday papers at the weekend that he never hopes to ever read a blog...well frankly he does not know what he is missing out on! Big hugs, H x
Sandy, very well said. You have captured the essence of blogging and why we blog and what we derive from it. And congratulations on your award.....a very well deserved one.
What a great post Sandi! Blogging and our blogging friends are exactly as you described, and those that don't blog just can't quite "get it".
Have a beautiful day!
Sandi, I love the way that you have written about other bloggers entering our lives, because they have, and in the same way as you I never expected any of this, it was just a way to keep in touch with friends and family. I think that is a lovely award, and much deserved.
You do deserve all those awards!
A lot of people don't "get" how we can be friends with those we have never met, but they are just as important as those we can meet up with every day.
What a lovely (and lauded!) blog you have.
Thanks for visiting mine.
You wrote so eloquently about how we bloggers feels about blogging and our blog buddies. It is TRUE that blog buddies really are actual friends. When I've met blog buddies face to face, it is like I've known them for a long time - because I have!! They do not seem like strangers even through it is the first time we've actually seen one another.
Blogging is a joy! As for those who leave awful comments, I have not had that happen too often. The good has far outweighed the bad.
You've put this very well Sandi. We share our hearts and minds here in a way that goes beyond ordinary chatter. I think we can often sense what a fellow writer is feeling, see the soul through the words, without the distractions of normal everyday life. It's a special way of enjoying friendships around the world! And you're a great example of how to do it, with style :)
No one says it better than our Sandi. You are a treasure...how I hope I meet you in person some day.
I say we all shoot for 2009 for that Blog Weekend!
2009 it is! Lets meet in the middle...
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