I have a very dear friend that I made while in the employ of the Sheriff. We came in contact with each other mainly at the jail. We always joked that I was busy locking them up and she was busy getting them out! We frequently did not see eye to eye but that didn't hurt our friendship one iota. In fact, I think it made it stronger in the long run. I always admired her for her strength and tenacity in the face of horrible odds. You see she wasn't always an attorney. She was a wife and mother who worked in the harsh conditions of a tool manufacturing plant, and whose marriage was not the happiest; but this indominatable lady made the best of the cards that fate had dealt her and plowed through life like a bulldozer. When her son decided that he was going to become an attorney, my pal decided that she too wanted to continue her education. Now a widow and her children grown, she went back to school. She worked hard to complete that goal, her son urging her on. She graduated, passed the bar and went to work. She was known for defending the underdog and the underpaid. She was a perfect choice for Public Defender if there ever was one. She works long hours (so long that I'm lucky to get a returned phone call from her these days...) But along with all the people she helps, she also has a soft heart for animals. She keeps cats, dogs peacocks every assortment of God's creatures live on her place outside town. Her herd of cats outnumber mine. And then some. She found a Vet in North Carolina who will "fix" at a reasonable cost if you bring in more than one cat to be spayed or neutered. I always laugh when I think of it, leave it to her to find a 2 for 1 sale Vet. She had so many cats at one time that she actually took a couple of them to be "fixed" that had already had surgery! They all looked alike, apparently. She puts me in mind of the lady who wrote to Dear Abby and said she wanted to be a Doctor but if she went to school she would be 50 years old when she graduated. Abby's answer was classic...and how old will you be if you don't go to school? I wonder if my good friend read that piece of advice?
Happy 4th of July all, hope your day is filled with peace and contentment, and fire works!
Bless your friend for rescuing the animals and having them spayed/neutered. I wish more vets offered low cost programs to folks. Our county actually received a grant about a year ago to operate a spay/neuter shuttle that travels out to rural areas.
Have a wonderful holiday Sandi!!!
That gal sounds like one amazing human being! I know that you feel blessed to know her.
Happy July 4th to you and yours Sandi Have a great day
Oh my my I loved loved loved this post! Sandi, I've been mulling over going back to school for awhile, but figure at 40, who would EVER hire me when I'm done? I'm going to get serious about this now, thanks for the giant nudge....hugs.
PS have not forgotten the digi kit, almost done.
i ALWAYS HAD THE DREAM OF GOING ON TO MED SCHOOL...I'm 56 now.....LOLHahaha....they'd have to carry me out by the time I finished school.....Good for Her though!!!hughugs
Wonderful story, Sandi, and very inspiring! I like the way you describe the flavor of your friendship.
I could have written a letter like that to Dear Abby too. I didn't but I did graduate from Penn State with my B.S. about 4 months before my 50th birthday though! I don't regret the time I spent in college, not at all, as education is something no one can ever take away from you. I do regret all the student loans that mushroomed due to interest costs because I was never able to find a job using my major, or that paid enough to even think of making a repayment! That psrt of the being 50 at graduation was kind of kick in the gut, ya know. Oh well, moving on, still trying to get over that bit of disappointment but darned glad to see that someone else was able to succeed with the later-in-life career thing!
Happy Fourth of July to you too!
Hi Sandi, catching up with a few blog friends...happy Independence Day...sorry I'm late!
How is the garden?
Carol xx
My Mum would have loved this post, Sandi.
Happy Fourth of July to you.
Yes April will one day go through what I did with her. She gets it honest ...I never saw a shoe I didn't like hehe.
Remarkable woman - is she related to me because everyone drops off strays here. I have more money in spays and neuters than in my wardrobe - alas. By the way how about Warm apple pie with French vanilla ice cream. I had Bakin Rbbins today
You friend sounds Loving and super nice.:o)
Hope ya'll have a great 4th.;o)
Wow bless your FRIEND! And happy 4th!
Happy Independence Day!
Have a great fourth of July!
kari & kijsa
Inspiring story! I've often thought of going back to school...
Your friend sounds like a wonderful person, a collector not just of lost animals, but lost souls by the sound of it too. I hope that some of the people that she helped went on to change their lives, I know that the animals were better for meeting her!!
Your friend is just the kind of person we need in this world! I recently joined an organization called United Animal Nations, which helps pets who've become victims of disasters. I wrote about them on my blog last week, I think--http://poprs.blogspot.com/2008/06/these-critters-need-care.html--anyway, thanks so much for sharing, and have a wonderful 4th!
Hello Sandi. I grew up reading Dear Abby and Ann Landers, as did all the women in my family. So of course I remembered right away the Dear Abby advice you mentioned, and in fact have never forgotten it. So much wisdom flowed from that advice column over the years.
The lady you describe here is nothing less than a modern day heroine. The world so badly needs many more like her.
Anyone who cares for animals gets my vote. Peacocks too? That is most intriguing.
Now as for the birdbath award, your comment made me smile! Anything I see that embodies the spirit of the birdbath chronicles will be, shall we say, duly rewarded! tee hee....
Happy Independence day to you, from your Canadian neighbour to the north..
Brava to her .. and all her most excellent instincts ... love the Dear Abby advice
Happy Fourth ..
My daughte is like that. If our home could be filled with cats she would be ever so pleased.
Your friend sounds amazing and courageous. I love seeing people that strive for their goals.
The cat that took up residence with my Dad after my Mother passed away, eventually made it to my sister's after Daddy died. Well, shortly after Daddy decided he would let the cat stay and brought her inside, he took her to have her spayed. He left her overnight. After the vet had put her to sleep to do the surgery, he discovered she had already been spayed. I don't know why she had to be put to sleep before they discovered that. She is a good companion to my sister as she was to Daddy. She has an extra toe on her paws and likes to use her claws.
Mama Bear
Hope you are enjoying the fourth with you and yours!
Happy July 4th, Sandi!
Sorry to have been absent of late - but loved reading about your friend - who actually sounds like the real-life version of a Hollywood hit - what a great gal.
Piripiri! No, not a kiwi thing, although sounds like it, but is an African/Portugese chilli see here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_birdseye (sorry don't know how to put a link in the comments box!)
Sprinkle some into a bag with some flour, throw in your chook, give it a shake and then remove and roast as normal. Yum!
Sandi.... I am so happy to see you came back to visit!!!
I am glad to hear you had a wonderful fourth... and I loved reading this post and Dear Abbys response... How old will you be if you dont? Might be just the inspiration I need right now..
Come see me soon... I certainly did miss you
What a great story!!
Have a great 4th!
Wow...she sounds like a wonderful person, all the way around. I feel anyone who is kind and loving to animals just has to be kind and loving to people too. She's a treasure and I can tell you know it. Great post.
Hope your 4th was wonderful.
Hi Sandi, I've been away a while and catching up on your blog - hope you're feeling better these days?
Orchard Cottage looks a haven! And your animals have such great names! It must be such a happy home you have there, great stories to tell :)
This friend of yours here sounds an inspiration. Lately I'm ploughing ahead too - but I'll call again soon!
What a nice post about your friend. Who knew a vet would do a 2for one deal. Maybe you should give Sherri their number. She has a ton of cats at her house. Sorry I've been gone. Nick's gone now so I will be posting a lot more. Posted some new ones of Kara. Go check them out. Love ya!
Hope you had a great holiday weekend :)
Many thanks for stopping by over at my place recently :)
Your friend sounds so kind and tender-hearted. Hope your holiday was lots of fun.
Wonderful inspiring story. And I love that advice at the end...
What a classis, vets aren't the cheapest people to visit. How smart of her to find a 2 for 1 deal! :)
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