My first picture is of the number 8...on the side of a tomato not a pool ball! Not to sure how it happened, but I did want to share it...

Actually it looked like the number 8 within the letter C...too weird! Did we eat it? You bet your bottom dollar we ate it...

One of my favorite books is Jeffrey's Favorite 13 Ghost stories of Alabamaof ...I had the great pleasure of meeting Miss Katherine when we lived in Selma...she's a delightful lady with a charming way of telling the tale...
And believe it or not there are 12 numbers on the face of my Grandmother Clock...and this is the best picture I could, the coffee table book publishers are NOT beating a path to my door!
And here is what we were doing this morning, early...picking 12 count em 12 of the 22 watermelons left in the upper end of the garden! These are Sugar Babies...and they are aptly named!

And lest anyone get the idea that we're running short of a tomato crop, don't, representing the number 2 are two sinks filled with tomatoes and squash. I'm tired just looking at Mistress Kari, this is what we were doing while you were up posting your lovely addition to Brenda's Photo challenge...I think I'm going to go take a nap...I have a busy afternoon ahead!

Okay, okay, your photos were worth the wait. ha!
That number 8 tomato is nothing short of COOL! Good thing I wasn't there. You know me, I'd have eaten the darn thing before you could get a picture of it. And you're even luckier I'm not there because you wouldn't HAVE a sink full of tomatoes OR squash. You'd have a stuffed-to-the-gills niece sitting on the kitchen floor licking her fingers. LOL
Love your pictures!
Love ya'll,
Wow Sandie, you have been busy in your garden. You put me to shame. I am hoping to have a good crop of Butternuts and black Acorn squashes. Mmmm just in time for winter soups. Bon weekend. Debs x
That is very cool. Love all the fruit and veggies. Very creative. Loved checking out your photos!
the number 8 on the tomato! that is an amazing find, and a great photo. love it
Very good pictures! Good ideas. That 8 on the tomato was really good. Makes you curious how that happened.
Your garden is keeping you busy. That's a lot of tomatoes.
I have canning and freezing on to do list for the day too. But not as much as you do. Squash, peas, and pickles for me.
Yummmm, gorgeous food. That tomato is amazing. Like a brand of some sort!
I've never taken up this challenge. It gives me "food" for thought.
I love that #8 tomato! I would have eaten too! Sure wish we had some "real" tomatoes!
Have a wonderful weekend, Sandi!
Beautiful tomatoes (and squash)-- yum! The #8 one was just freaky. But yeah, take a picture of it to keep and eat that baby!
This garden of photos has made me hungry. But your #8 tomato is just GR'Eight!
Wowzer! Great photos! That Kari can beat it out of you, can't she?! (Good going, Kari!)
I don't know how you gals who can and pickle and whatever all you do are able to deal with all this produce. I doff my cap!
The number 8 tomato is cool! Not to mention all those tomatoes look very tasty!
Your pictures are great:)
Oh my, your garden must be wearing you out! The numerically-inclined tomato wins the weird award, for sure! It looks so perfect that is could have been stenciled on! Way to go!
COOL!!!!! How sweet it is, all those delicious veggies, and a special 'mater to boot!!
I know you guys are workin' your fannies off, but it must be worth in the end. I feel like a lazy butt after being here.
Have a great day, hope you get some rest!!
Wow...that tomato is incredible! Hope it tasted good too. Did you get 8 slices out of it? heheh!
I wish my sink was full of fresh home grown tomatoes and squash. sigh!
Hi Sandi,
That 8 tom. is something else!
Our son plays pool hes won several trips to Vegas for world wide play offs in 8balls I'll have to show that one to him!
Have a great wk.end!
Thanks for the award!
Hi Sandi,
Those tomatoes are GORGEOUS! My mouth is watering just looking at all your beautiful produce. Excuse me, I have to go get some watermelon.
Love the 8 in the C tomato, Sandi. Next you'll be teaching your tomato plants how to spell words on the vine. LOL
Again, thanks for the award!
I bet you do have a busy afternoon! Whew! I'm tired just looking at it!
Cool that the tomato had 8 on it.
Yes, the coffee table book publishers are SO beating a path to my door!
Want to know more about that tomato, Sandi!!
Please drop by soon and join our effort to get Uncle Lynn and Pop'rs on Oprah! We're doing an e-mail campaign as part of our Great Pop'rs Giveaway, and you can help! Uncle Lynn and Pop'rs on Oprah? I have my fingers crossed...
Sandi, those pictures look wonderful. I love the tomato-8, how cool is that? :)
I wish I could grow as much food a you do!
Great photos. That tomato is too cool! Have fun canning!
Love the "8 ball" tomato, of course. All your pictures were fun to look at. Such a pretty clock, and now I'm hungry for watermelon...
Thanks for stopping by my place and leaving the nice comment!
Nita Jo
The number 8 in the tomato is awesome. How fitting it is for the challenge. That would be something to scrapbook. Do you scrapbook? You should since you are a great writer. You would be great at the journaling part of it, which is my downfall. Hugs to you! Kara sends some kisses!
Good for you Sandi. Wow that tomato looks cool and all those fresh fruit and veggies make me hungry. You're so lucky to have a place to have a garden. I know they're lots of work but well worth it when you see and eat the results. Will be updating my blog later today.
I KNOW I left a message yesterday!!! Dad GUM!!
These are Great Sandi!! I love the 13 Ghost Stories!!!lolol...
Happy day sweetie! Well Done!hughugs
that tomato is really neat....have you eaten it yet?
I saw the award, thanks for that, and thanks for popping by my blog.
As I have had that award, prior, I hope you don't mind if I don't post on it again so soon.
super photos but the mater with the 8 is just tooooo cool! Did it make it taste any better LOL
You've got my vote for the most constructive photos of the challenge for sure! Those are great!!
Aunt S, I'm quite certain you could have got a pretty penny for that 8 ball tomato on ebay.
I mean with people selling air and all...
wonderful photos and addition to the every one...and that number 8 on the tomoato is awesome!!!!! wonderful...thanks for sharing...and i think you deserve a nap! :)
Sandi McB picked a peck of tomatoes, or was it 4 lippies? I'm sure the pappers can't be far behind, ready to be pickled! ;-) How'bout a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck?
Love the tomato8! :-)
Love all your fruit and vegetables. That tomato is amazing :-)
Could have fooled me. I thought it was a pool ball. Really odd. You made me hungry for fresh vegetables. I love your photos!
All those toms lucky you At least I have some
That tomato is pretty awesome!
And I really LOVE ghost stories!!
Sandi I am sending Bobby G. down to enjoy your watermelons. He can't get enough. I am so tired of trying to fit other stuff in the refrigerator when it is full of watermelon.
Really cool Sandi! I didn't know you were playing. Glad you did. Wow, that's alot of produce. Have I ever told you our family business is in produce, three generations now. When we go to the grocery, my hubby will spend lots of time checking out all of the produce there.
That tomato with an eight on it is so neato!!
1 pecker of tomatoes... uh, I mean peck.
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