Evil Sister and The Hand
Once upon a time E.S. and her beloved husband (who shall be nameless) had a child. Now for E.S caring for the child was Job 1 job, plus of course the rest of her jobs (cooking, cleaning, ironing, washing dishes, etc., you know, the light stuff) When Nameless would come in from work, he would of course ask sweetly "when is dinner?" Now, Nameless really did ask nicely, but E.S. being so tired what with all the work she did around the house, plus caring for an infant, often didn't hear the niceness or pleasant disposition in his voice, she heard demands. She didn't want to hear demands, she wanted sleep. I can't seem to remember exactly what it was that sent her over the edge that night, but it was Nameless's fault. I know it was, because E.S. told me it was. She had forgotten to do something he had asked her to do or had done something he had pleasantly asked her not to do, but whatever it was, in her state of sleep deprivation, his reaction to whatever it was sent her reeling. He raised his hand and brought it down on the table and said "if I've told you once!" and she watched the hand , all the time bringing her fork up to her mouth to remove the piece of Chicken Amaretto (oh, did I mention she is a gourmet cook?) "I've told you a thousand times!" BOOM down comes the hand again and somehow, says E.S., when she next looked at the hand, her fork was sticking out of it and the hand was now pinned to the table. Now, anyone else would have been so shocked at that confession, they would have drawn back in horror, hands covering their mouth to choke back the scream. Did I? Oh, hell no, I burst out laughing and tears rolled down my face, and I could see him sitting there wondering where he had gone wrong and why this sweet little thing had tried to maim him and more importantly why her fork was now sticking out the back of his hand. Because, really, men don't have a clue, do they? That was the moment I knew in my heart, we had been sisters. Except while I may imagine plunging a fork into someone who is irritating the life out of me, she has follow through. After a quick trip to the Emergency Room and Nameless explaining to the ER Doc how he had been running down the stairs, fork in hand and this terrible accident had taken place (...had to read back over that and make sure I didn't actually put his name in there) they of course made up and continue to live happily. E.S. is only allowed to eat with a spoon, though.
Don't Call Me Honey, Honey
E.S. has a few little pet peeves, but the main one has to do with the fact that Nameless can somehow never think ahead. "Why" she asked me, "do men not think to look around and make sure there is a towel at hand before they strip down and get into the shower?" I knew what she meant, having gone through the ritual of "Honey, bring me a towel" myself, more than once I might add. So anyway, this one night she hears the shower running, she's putting up the dishes she had washed earlier and when she hears the shower go off stands listening. Sure enough, she hears him. "Honey?" She stands still a second and waits for the second clarion call. "Honey???" She moves off down the hall, opens the door to the linen closet and....no, she does not get him a towel...she climbs up on the highest shelf, pulling the door to. She hears him. "Honey, bring me a towel!" She waits. She hears the bathroom door open, imagines him peeking around the door, hears him once again "honey?" voice a bit low now, wondering just where the devil she's gotten to. She hears him running down the hall, he snatches open the linen closet door and grabs a towel just as she reaches out and pats him on top of the head. She said that image of him dancing naked in place for five seconds, not knowing what the hell is going on is an image that will go with her to her grave! Isn't that just like my Evil Sister?

Happy Halloween