Thursday, July 31, 2008
I'm a dingdanged computer genius...of sorts...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Susie Q's Game
Sport: baseball
Yatzee Color: yellow
Movie: Ghost
Broadway Play I've Seen: The Diary of Anne Frank
Song: Sunrise, Sunset from Fiddler
Favorite City Visited: Charleston, South Carolina...tho I actually lived there for awhile
Favorite Foreign City Visited: London, England
Book: Thy Servant a Dog as told by Boots (Rudyard Kipling)
Children's Book: The Boxcar Children
Classic TV Show: The Andy Griffith Show...of course!
Recent TV Show: The CLOSER
Actor: Cary Grant
Actress: Dame Helen Mirren
Perfume: White Witch
Food: good old home cooking like chicken and dumplings, veggies of all sorts...real food
Dessert: Boston Cream Pie
Chain Restaurant: KFC
Local Restaurant: The Smokehouse
Car: Truck actually...candy apple red Chevy Montana...crew cab...uh huh yes ma'am, now that's a vehicle!
Condiment: mustard and honey...together or separate...
Kitchen Appliance: dish washer....
Home Appliance: coffee pot
Beauty Product: Oil of Olay...
Favorite Clothing: warm jammies given me by my sister Toni after my heart surgery
HGTV Show: Sell This House
Food Network show: Paula Deen
Author: David Balducci and Rudyard Kipling
Male Songwriter: Neil Diamond
Female Songwriter: Dolly Parton
Holiday: Christmas
Christmas Ballet: The Nutcracker
Disney Character: Daisy Duck
Alcoholic Drink: Rum and Coke
Non Alcoholic Drink: Coffee or Hot Tea, equally and in that order
Magazine: Southern Living
Animated Movie: Bambi
Mini Series: Chiefs
Season: Spring
Male Vocalist: Trace Adkins
Female Vocalist: KT Oslin
Day of Week: Saturday
Household Chore: You're kidding, right?
Ice Cream: Mint chocolate chip...yum
Candy: Dove
Artist: no one in particular
First they came for the socialists,and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me,and there was no one left to speak for me.
--Pastor Martin Niemoller, Nazi Germany, circa 1945.
Okay, this was fun, and I'm inviting everyone to go along with it and tell us all about yourselves. Thanks Susie...

Monday, July 28, 2008
On Leaving England Episode 3 (or "Why is our Mattress wrapped around the piano?"

And a very special PS

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Brenda's Photo Challenge-Numbers!
My first picture is of the number 8...on the side of a tomato not a pool ball! Not to sure how it happened, but I did want to share it...

Actually it looked like the number 8 within the letter C...too weird! Did we eat it? You bet your bottom dollar we ate it...

One of my favorite books is Jeffrey's Favorite 13 Ghost stories of Alabamaof ...I had the great pleasure of meeting Miss Katherine when we lived in Selma...she's a delightful lady with a charming way of telling the tale...
And believe it or not there are 12 numbers on the face of my Grandmother Clock...and this is the best picture I could take...no, the coffee table book publishers are NOT beating a path to my door!
And here is what we were doing this morning, early...picking 12 count em 12 of the 22 watermelons left in the upper end of the garden! These are Sugar Babies...and they are aptly named!

And lest anyone get the idea that we're running short of a tomato crop, don't fret...here, representing the number 2 are two sinks filled with tomatoes and squash. I'm tired just looking at this...now Mistress Kari, this is what we were doing while you were up posting your lovely addition to Brenda's Photo challenge...I think I'm going to go take a nap...I have a busy afternoon ahead!

Friday, July 25, 2008
T G I F and Awards!

Here are the rules for this: The rules: SHARE THE LOVE!!! Share this award with all those blogs out there that you love. All the people who make you smile. All those that make you laugh. All those that make your day. All those that leave uplifting comments on your blog. **All I ask, is that you include a link to this post with the award and ask your recipient to do the same** Visit (Memoirs of a Mommy)for the awesome story behind this award. You know this is going to be hard because each of the blogs I read I read because I love you...the list is to long to name and to leave anyone out would be just wrong. So, if I am a regular visitor to your blog, and you know who you are...Sandy, Kat, Mary and Sarahs...yes, I said Sarahs...the Brit here and the Brit still there...Adla and Rhoda, Penny and Jayne...Cath and Kari, Jodie and Janabanana, lets just say I believe you all deserve this...SusieQ and Jeanne, MariNanci and Pat...all of you...I say again, IF I AM A FREQUENT VISITOR AT YOUR PLACE, THIS AWARD IS FOR YOU! And when I play catch up, I'm gonna tell you to come pick it up, okay Jo, both of you, Mima and Lee...San and David, Jeff and Hadriana, Brenda and Wanda, Cassie and Joan, Pam and Christine, Sophie and Carol, Donna, Lib, Cowgirl and Jamie Dawn, Terri, Abbie and Jeff B. ,Sandy and Sandy and oh yes did I say Wanda? How about Allison? just all of you,and I know I've left some out, I can't help it! I love you all or I wouldn't waste my time going back again and again. So, if you don't see your name but you know mine and I mention to you I have an award for you...this is for you!
Also, the sweet Hadriana at http://hadrianastreasures.blogspot.com/ has given me the "Just Plain Fun to Read" award and I do prize this one, too. I'm going to come back with this one later on so I can think about the ones I want to pass it on to. I'm going to pick three of you, and I hope you will be as honored as I was. And an EDIT here, when I went to visit with San Meredith, I found that she had also honored me with this award! To visit San go to http://alifewithaview.blogspot.com you won't be disappointed there, either!

Now, on to other TGIF things. First, my "on returning from England" series (saga) will continue on Monday with the final chapter on our return to the States from our Duty Service with the Navy in London which ended in 1983 (the time period someone wanted to know). I haven't made up a thing, or embellished for editorial purposes, it's exactly as it happened...which proves that there are things so bad that you can later look back and laugh. But now you know why I decided to make Law Enforcement my career. I needed backup. I'd also like to tell you that my (former) Department, Chesterfield County Sheriff's Office, lost one of it's own on Wednesday night when his vehicle was struck head on by a drunk driver. Darryl Quick, who had been with the Department for five years, and with Chesterfield PD before that, was 42 years old and left a wife and four children and one grandchild to face life without him. All because someone couldn't manage to grasp the concept of "if you drink, don't drive and if you drive, don't drink." A good Law Enforcement Officer will no longer be able to help keep the streets safe. Unfortunate for us, tragic for his family. Our prayers go out to them.
Brenda's Photo Challenge for tomorrow is about numbers and I have to get my butt in gear and do something about it...first of all go back and look to see who the host is (I'm telling you, my brains are scrambled with heat and humidity today!) I want to have fun with it, and plan on doing just that!
Cowgirl over at Riverdale Ramblings has tagged me with a 6 random things about me meme...you really need to go visit this fine young miss from New Zealand, you won't regret it and you may find a new vacation spot...go to http://cowgirlat.blogspot.com/ and check out her site. Okay, 6 random things...
1. I love to read, I read cereal boxes and newspapers, books and magazines...I just flat love to read.
2. I have two sons, of whom I am so very proud. My older son is a Newspaper Editor married to my beautiful DIL Charity and my younger son is a Computer Networker married to my lovely DIL Anna and they have one child the precious Arianna who will be 9 on the 28th of this month.
3. My mother was a master gardener who knew the latin name for every plant that grew in her gardens and even in most of everyone else's gardens.
4. My husband is a retired Navy Chief who discovered that he was a farmer all along...imagine our surprise! (And I know I have mentioned mostly my family in this meme, but you know it's hard to separate them from me...they're part of me...)
5. I really hate news shows. They mostly never get it right, they are prejudiced in a country where prejudice is supposed to be avoided at all costs, and they think to much of their own opinions.
6. I have a temper. A terrible temper. I have learned to control it, but sometimes like a coiled spring it erupts and injures the target of my ire. And then somehow, it reverberates and injures me on the return trip.
And there you have it...all the news that's fit to print...see you tomorrow!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
We're Caught in a Gun Fight (or Welcome to the USA
Next Installment: Why is our mattress wrapped around the piano?

Friday, July 18, 2008
Digby and the Chitt'lins
"What's Mama doing? She's attempting to steal my dog! And if Digby thinks I'm cooking chitt'lins for her, she's got another think coming!"
Next Installment...we're caught in the middle of a gunfight or Welcome to the USA
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
A Brilliante Award

Ann at Ancient One's Place (http://everlastingmercy.blogspot.com/) I've only discovered Ann recently but she has become a favorite of mine quickly. You must go visit this North Carolina lady, she is awesome.
Sarah at http://britgalusa.blogspot.com/ who is a transplanted Brit with a lovely outlook on life and she's interesting, to boot!
Merisi at Merisi's Vienna for Beginners (http://merisi.blogspot.com/) who has such brillient photography to share with us, that maybe we need to invent an award for her...
Sandy at I Beati (a meeting place to share our blessings and laugh a little (http://spiritifelici.blogspot.com/) where you will see lovely funny little vignettes of photography that will indeed make you laugh a little, or a lot depending on your mood!
Cowgirl at Riverdale Rambings is another of my favorites...I want to go to New Zealand...and it's all because of her. I don't know if it's because the descriptions she gives of her homeplace or just to meet her...maybe both, but please go meet her and her hubby Richard .(http://cowgirlat.blogspot.com/ )
Mari-Nanci is a lovely Southern Belle...well, not really m while she is lovely she just likes to think she's a Southern Belle and we affectionately call her Miss Mari-Nanci...we're afraid not to...go check out all the lovely photos and quaint old sayings and just plain down home goodness at http://smilnsigh.blogspot.com/ and you'll see what I'm talking about.
I certainly cannot leave out Jeanne at Life or Something Like it, which has to be the most improved blog around...give the girl a new computer and a great camera and she goes with it...and has not failed to entertain me...let her entertain you...hmm, sounds like a Gypsy Rose Lee song, doesn't it? Anyway, you can fine her at http://jeanne-lifeorsomethinglikeit.blogspot.com/
Okay, right. Well, now I'm gonna run over and tell the girls that I have a surprise for them, and later tonight I will begin the retelling of the Nightmare Trip to the USA...

Monday, July 14, 2008
The Kindness of Strangers
Today I received an award from Vee (Just Plain Fun to Read) and then Lee from Chrysalis Dreams (http://chrysalisdreams.blogspot.com/ contacted me and said this:
The Best Gift of All
Sandi gave me several awards. San gave me a several too. My mom brought me up right. You return a gift with a matching gift as well as a hand written thank you card. Call me an award shopping clutz but I had no idea where to find one that was new and fit my idea of what I wanted it to say. I did keep trying though...every time I looked at one of those lovely awards with pride. Finally, today after typing in several different keywords I found an award that I felt was suitable and that I meant with all of my heart. So, for all their love and support, to my friends San, Sandi, Susan, JS, and David I give the Forever Friends award.I love you guys! You're the BEST! Hugs!
I responded and told Lee I saw editing in my future, to add my new award to the previous post. Then, reading it over and seeing how much thought she put into this award, how lovingly she thought of us, her friends, that I decided that it deserved to stand alone, as well. For Lee is my friend and I think highly of her and regard this award as something special, too. Some people touch your lives so profoundly, that somehow the word internet friend seems trite. So for this award dear Lee, I thank you. I will cherish it.

Visions in the Garden

Oh, and Pyewackit and Mindy appreciate your support in the upcoming election. He is still looking for cabinet ministers...Dogs may apply, he is not prejudiced against them. He says his best friend is a dog and running for Vice President. All offers will be considered.
Okay, this is an edit...an edit I couldn't wait to put in...Vee over at A Haven For Vee (http://ahavenforvee.blogspot.com/ ) gifted me this morning. See that lovely little girl sitting on the park bench? She says "just plain fun to read"? This is an award I have longed for since the first time I saw someone else receive it. I can't tell you how much it means to me that my dear Vee has given it to me. I intend to pass it along to six others, but later in the week, after I've had time to enjoy it myself a bit. Thank you Vee, and congratulations on receiving it yourself...it is a well deserved award for you!

Friday, July 11, 2008
Photo Friday/ Pyewackit for Prezzydent

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The art of Canning

Monday, July 7, 2008
The Contrariness of Being
I woke up this morning to silence. The fan I keep near the bed for the single purpose of making noise, was quiet. The whole house was quiet. Nothing moved, whirred, chimed or rustled. Silence. Silence makes me nervous. I crept from the bed and went into the kitchen and flipped on the light. Nothing. I went to the sink and turned on the tap. Nothing. I looked at the cable box, it was dark and daunting. No power. NO POWER! All I could think was "how am I going to get my morning news fix, my morning coffee fix and most importantly, my morning blog fix?" I find that I am an addict of electrical power. Without it I am helpless. There is no camp stove outside to prepare a pot of that wonderful wake up brew to which I can absolutely not function without. And then I heard myself say it. I tried to call it back, but my throat refused to suck in air and call back the words...I saw them hanging in front of my face, mocking me with their intent...and then my ears heard what my mouth had dared to utter...
"Damned rain!"

Thursday, July 3, 2008
And Speaking of Cats
Happy 4th of July all, hope your day is filled with peace and contentment, and fire works!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Ariel the Ancient