Isn't it amazing how close we can become to the people we "read" regularly out here in blogland? It doesn't happen overnight, but you become involved in your new found friends lives to the point that if one were to say to you "my life is in danger, I need a bolthole" you would welcome this friend with open arms and protect them with all you have in you. You worry about them when you don't see them blog for a length of time, like KatInaFlap, who is dealing with health issues. She was silent for so long that I stopped just making the odd comment on her nearly empty site, but began sending her e_mails to tell her she wasn't forgotten and we needed to hear from her. Cassie has had a spell of just plain rotten luck over at Mockingbird Hill, you go see her, see what some lowlife has pulled on her. But I know that you, just like I, were worried after the last post and we heard NOTHING from her for a week. I thought maybe the "ickies" were back. Now our Abby (SingleChristianGirl) is having health issues and I just want to hug her. She's like another niece to me now, because she started calling me Aunt Sandi, like Kari. I was worried about Kari there for a while, but the difference is, she's blood family, so I can pick up the phone and annoy her nearly anytime...if she doesn't answer, why I just send her an annoying (read threatening) e-mail til she does. Jodie, Kari's daughter-in-law, and my Great Niece who is expecting her baby while she lives in Japan (I will love telling her that "funny she doesn't look Japanese" line...I know, how tacky...who is homesick and depends on the blogs to keep her grounded to home (please yall go see her and give her a warm hug, it's easy to do . Jenn and Jacqui have been so busy moving into that dream nest that I know they must be exhausted. I just want them to take it easy and not stay away from us while they're doing it! The girls, Kari and Kijsa are so talented and also so sweet for sharing their very valuable knowledge of design with us (I'm such a dimbulb, I need all the help I can get!) and each and everything they share is amazing. Likewise Penny, over at Lavender Hill with her artwork. All the sharing that my friends are involved in constantly amazes me. Terri , Brenda, Lisa and Wanda are all so witty with the childhood memories that it takes you back to your own childhood. They help you realize that it's not all Leave it To Beaver or Father Knows Best, that no one had the perfect childhood...Katherine over at KatherinesDream and Kathy at Just a Beach Kat...Rhoda of Southern Hospitality and Sandi at the Whistlestop are such geniuses at making you feel you have done or said something special...the little comments they leave are always sweet and Brit friends are so dear to me, Mary, Jayne and Sophie...Adla, Jenn and Jacqui...Katherine and is quite annoying to me that postage seems to have hit a new high because I have so much I'd love to send the girls...but I'll have to take out a small loan...I intend to have a giveaway in the new year. Actually for my U.S. pals and one for my British pals (this includes Australia, sorry girls you're Brits to me, too!) There's Vee and Joan, new friends who inspire me and Sandy, the artiste...she paints a picture and makes it tell a story...Christine had an Epiphany and now she's sharing with us...Teresa at Living the Life who is so warm and sweet and I found out we have so much in common it's spooky...Jeanne, you need to move South dear girl...I'm sure all that snow and ice can't be good for you. Susie Q at the Rabbit Run is so kind to everyone...including the bunnies (she even adopted a cartoon sweet is that?) These are my bestest buds on line...we're learning more about one another everyday. If the world gets smaller, maybe we can all be friends. Merry Christmas my dear friends, and a Happy New Year!
love to you all...I mean that...and please, if I left you out...will you leave me a comment and tell me? I wouldn't hurt a one of you for world.
What a wonderful post, dear Sandi. Gee...I think I might have a tear or two in my eye *sniff*
You got it, girlie...the world becomes smaller and time is not a limit, because we can talk to all of our special ones any time, any day, any place.
And, hey...I was trying to send a note to Jodie, but the link isn't working for me, so I'll try again later.
Love ya...
I'm feeling your pain about the high postage. We've spent over $80 at the post office in the past 2 days! Of course, $35 was just to mail Nick, Jodie, and Maddy's Christmas gifts and $8.20 was for a book of stamps, but the rest was on postage for Christmas cards! Seems like all these handmade cards I felt the need to send out require extra postage. lol Figures, doesn't it? But what the heck - I have become close to so many of these people out here and I enjoyed making the cards for them. By the way, just so you know, the card I sent ya'll was one that Randey had declared his "favorite" the first time he saw it. He's got a little seagull in him, too - that card had a little extra glitter-shine to it. lol
By the way, the link to Jodie's blog is:
I noticed that Cassie said the link in your post wouldn't work when she clicked on it.
Guess I'd better go. I've got presents that need wrapping!!
Merry Christmas!
That was such a sweet post, Sandi. I think it's so interesting that we all share so many blog friends. And so interesting how that happens. How the friend web is woven. We begin with one blogger and click on their links and the links of the people who comment on their blog and the journey has begun.
Super post Sandi - it's true - I can't believe how many wonderful women I've "met" in just a few short months of blogging - the internet can be truly wonderful can't it?
I loved your post. I relate to your post soooo much!
Thanks, Sandi you are one awsome lady. I thank Kari for sharing her Aunt Sandi with us all!
Yes I'm up the cheek!!! I have been very busy for last couple of days trying to get everything sorted for christmas !!! I@m still trying to finish the quilt I'm making for my son amd his girlfriend! I will post this weekend The waether here is awful grey, wet and miserable Do you remember English winters?You should expect some thing in the post soon as Steve flew to NY yesterday and I know I can rely on him
You are the best...a truly great friend indeed! It is scary how much we have in common...but I can't imagine a person I would be more willing to share something with...I loved how Wanda put it...
"how the friend web is woven"...that was perfect...I see you and I share many of the same friends...I don't know if I found them on your site, if you found them on mine...or if Kari got us involved...however it happened...I couldn't be happier. Yet another thing we have in common...the same blog friends...and aren't they a great group!
Wishing you the best during this Christmas and your family have become very dear to me...especially you! If you'll notice on my blog roll...I have you listed as Kari's Aunt Sandi...I think now that I feel such a connection to you...I may just have to change that to just Aunt you think Kari will mind?
Blessings my friend...many, many blessings...
Oh Sandi, what a beautiful post. Now we have tears again and it's lunchtime and have to make a sandwich sobbing!! You are truly an inspirational lady and we are so happy to have found you and so blessed to call you our friend :) The world may be huge but we are just a click away and always will be! Blessings always hon xo Jenn and Jacqui PS We popped over to say hi to the girls:)
Wonderful post...when we were reading we go..."We know her and we know her..."LOL....blogging is so much were so sweet to mention us!
Have a very blessed day!
smiles, kari and kijsa
What a sweet post! I know it was no accident that we have all become friends. God had a hand in it for sure. I never dreamed when I began blogging purely for fun that it would lead me to find so many incredible friends, including you. I truly appreciate your friendship and I always enjoy my visits here.
Christmas Hugs!
This is so true Sandi. I always refer to my online "friends". People who don't blog or participate in online communities don't really get it..hehe. And it's so nice to make more friends through each other.
Beautiful post Sandi! I know having all these online friends means the world to me. ~ Lynn
Sandi, I enjoyed that post and not just because I was mentioned ;>. I find it incredibly odd that we bond so closely and I really can't figure it out. I swear that I think as much about my online pals as I do my real life ones...sometimes more. That can't be a "good" thing, can it? Wonder if there's a shrink somewhere who blogs who'd like to be included in the discussion. I'd love to know WHY. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that we feel less vulnerable about sharing with "strangers" than we do with those we really know. Further, I really believe that I "know" some bloggers better than I know my own family and friends and that can't be a good thing either. Well, shoot, thanks for bringing up this thought-provoking topic! LOL!
Hi Sandi!! This was such a lovely post and I totally agree with all the points you made, especially the high postage costs lol!!
This is the first opportunity I've had this week to get online, and I just wanted to say thanks for the messages you left me, they made me feel a tiny bit back in the blogging loop!! I'm only sorry it's taken me this long to get back to you! My sister is slowly on the mend, although she is suffering from a virus, probably due to her immune system being down! But it's lovely to help out (though exhausting-I thought a class of 30 ten year olds was bad enough!!) and I'll take lots of photos to show you at a later date! Have a lovely week ahead, and I just have to say again your tree looks gorgeous!!!
Love your errant blogger friend!!!xxx
You are so sweet. Thanks for sending folks my way, they have been oh so nice. I am still trying to check all of them out. Before I know it half the day has passed. You take care and I will talk to you soon. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!!
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