I have been a Christmas junkie since I was a child. I start looking forward to it the day after it is over. I would love to have one room in the house I could keep decorated all year long. I have a doll's house that I used just for that purpose. It entertained me. It kept me joyful. I don't know how many of you are grandparents, but I tell you truly, I am so enthralled with my Angel Girl that it's lucky for us that her father survived childhood. I'm not sure to this day how that happened...he was the accident looking for a place to happen since he learned to walk. He learned to walk at eleven months of age. He has gone down hill out of control on a bike, fallen through a greenhouse roof, chased a cat up a Christmas tree, bringing down tree cat and all, cleared the kudzu from a downtown lot (with his car) and offered to send the Mayor a bill for his efforts. Yes, this is the father of our Arianna. She is my heart. I saw a bumper sticker once that said "My Grandchildren are so much fun, I wish I'd had them first". Yes, I want that cockamamie bumper sticker. I receive emails and calls from her and they delight me. Tonight she sent me an e-mail that read "Dear Grandma, I'm going to send Santa a letter to ask him for a kitten and a collar for my kitten. I want to ask him if his name is really Chris Cringle." Her spelling. She's nine. All this after her phone call from the other night when she told me she was so mad at her best friend. In fact, her best friend is no longer a best. I asked her what had happened, had they had a falling out? And she told me that her friend had told her there was no such thing as Santa Claus. My heart stopped. My eyes filled with tears. And I was mad at her best friend, too. All I could think of was my boys when they were little and someone older and hateful had spilled the beans. I told them the simple truth. When you stop believing in Santa, he stops believing in you. It's the socks and underwear Christmas, no more toys, no more games...no more Rudolph. No more Red Rider cap guns or RockemSockem Robots. No more "get to sleep early so Santa can come put out your gifts and you can wake us at three in the morning and Mommy can sleep on the sofa all day especially if Daddy has the duty (or the ship is at sea..and Daddy isn't home for Christmas again)." So, my boys still believe in Santa, and Santa continues to bring the toys and games and fun things. They swear to me that they hear the sleigh up on the rooftop. I know exactly what Santa has in his bag for the boys and the girls they've provided me with. So, what do I say to my wonderful sweet Angel Princess Granddaughter? Why, exactly what I had told my boys. But I added an addendum.
"Don't tell your Daddy," I whispered.

Oh.My.Word! She's a living breathing doll! And...just for the record... I'm made at her former best friend too. Can you even imagine not believing in Santa? No way! I always told my kids and grandkids "If I was Santa and I heard someone say they didn't believe in me, I wouldn't stop at their house.". Their response - "I believe. I believe!"
Such a pretty granddaughter! I feel the same way about my grandchildren. They are so special!
Don't get me wrong here -I have three children and I have always loved them dearly -always will. They are fantastic -well, most of the time. Even as adults, they still do sometimes require a bit of discipline ya know. But Grandchildren! Oh My! They are just ten times better -maybe even more -than the first edition was. Even when they are bad, mischievous little imps (which they can be, for sure) they are still the absolute "cat's meow" ya know! Go get that bumper sticker, girl -you deserve it!
Her ex best friend should get coal in her stocking. She doesn't deserve underwear.
Gorgeous grandchild, Sandi! No wonder she's snuggled so close to your heart.
What a doll baby she is! No wonder that you love her so. Look at that joy all over her sweet face! (We will agree not to discuss the Santa thing, but your response to her was just priceless.)
She is so cute!
I love this post!
I believe.
Sandi, that stole my heart.
Watching the parade with my daughter Thursday, we found ourselves confronted with Virginia of "yes, Virginia there is a Santa" fame. And I thought, "Well, nobody here had any doubts, SO GET OFF MY TELEVISION, YOU TROUBLEMAKERS." But I kept my cool on the outside. My 10-year-old has not expressed any doubts. She's good with mystery. And then I thought maybe this is the year for Virginia and that awful Polar Express and the magic of that greater truth.
I loved the way you handled it, and I will handle things similarly as the need arises!
A lovely granddaugher. There is nothing quite like grandchildren.
My four are the best!
I enjoy them better than I did my own two. Don't ask me why! I thought I loved my own kids to bits....... but grandchildren are different. They are adorable & have a different relationship altogether. Plus you can give them back at the end of the day.
Sandi, she is really cute, not surprised that you adore her at all. It must be an grim stage to go through when someone like her ex-best friend starts doubts in her mind, but it was a great response.
I really love Christmas too, and although we are all now adults, and not one child in sight, we all still do stockings. To my Mum's despair I get very excited about buying things for stockings and every year she says not as much and I promise, but it is one of those things where it just gets away from you!
And as for decorations - yes please, lots please!!
Oh, Sandi...I have lots of favorite 'Sandi' posts....but this one is my all-time favorite one! Your grand-daughter is just beautiful! And I should know: I have a beautiful one, too! We are SO blessed, aren't we!
Christmas Eve, the best day of the year ever. Thanks Mum!
What a gorgeous girl - no wonder you are enthralled. I have 7 grandchildren and they are all wonderful. I hate it when these killjoys say there is no Santa - of course there is. We should always believe in him.
A x
I know just how you feel! Princess is 8.
Christmas is a majical time. I remember when Santa no longer came to visit my children. We started opening gifts on Christmas Eve. It made me so sad because I had been too excited to sleep all those years waiting to see the delight in their eyes on Christmas morning.
Mama Bear
I know just how you feel! Princess is 8.
Christmas is a majical time. I remember when Santa no longer came to visit my children. We started opening gifts on Christmas Eve. It made me so sad because I had been too excited to sleep all those years waiting to see the delight in their eyes on Christmas morning.
Mama Bear
Wonderful photo of your beautiful Grandaughter!
I remember so well when I finally found out that Santa Claus wasn't real (also instigated from a schoolfriend) and how heartbroken I was... and then so angry at my parents for lying to me about a fictitious man all those years!! x
She is such a Cutie! My own two are headed back to college today, and heavy snow is expected. They might be in for a little rough sledding! Hope you and yours had a Terrific Turkey Day!!
Your angel girl is a beautiful child. I think that we enjoy grandchildren so very much because we treasure each moment and are never in a hurry with them. My nine year old granddaughter is going through something similar. Her cousin (on the other side) told her that there is not a Santa Claus. She still wants to believe.
Grandchildren are just THE best! Your granddaughter is a cutie.
It's a sad day when they don't believe in Santa any more :(
I agree with Carol on this one. Yes, Sandi, this is your best yet (but I could have missed a few humdingers)...I love that line: "I am so enthralled with my Angel Girl that it's lucky for us that her father survived childhood. I'm not sure to this day how that happened..." (What a fantastic opening line for a novel!) Hx
Stop by when you get a chance...there's a blog award waiting for you.
Happy Sunday Hugs!
I found your blog through RBK's realm and am so glad that I did!
Great post, wonderful Granddaughter as well!
Same thing happened to one of my daughters as well, darn those best friends!:(
Thank you for the post!
You have a very pretty grand daughter. They grow up so fast. I would have thought that she was older than nine. But that does not mean that Santa Claus doesn't visit.
She is absolutely beautiful!!!! am not happy with her little friend either. My Granddaughter is almost 9 years old (Feb. ) and I do not want her to stop believing. i believe in the spirit of Santa and the generosity of giving...Hugs♥♥♥mary♥
Hi Sandi,
What a cutie your grandaughter is!! I know just how you feel when it comes to grands. No one is going to hurt these precious little ones as long as I'm around. LOL It sounds like you both have a very special relationship!
What a beautiful little girl - with a beaming smile to match! Long may she delight your heart - as I'm sure she will!
I don't have any grandchildren. Yet. ;)
That is so sweet and she loves kittys like you. How special. I feel the same way about Christmas. I always wanted a room to keep decorated.
Don't tell,but I still believe =)
My grandchildren will be here at Christmas. What is this nonsense about no Santa Claus. I saw Donald Trump on television and he said there was. So I am going to believe Trump.
Your granddaughter is beautiful! This is such a wonderful post! I love Christmas time too!
So sweet! I love your answer to your kids, too.
What a beautiful blog Sandi. Your little Angel is so charming no wonder you are besotted with her. I always dreamed of being one of these sweet little old ladies (in story books) with lots of gorgeous grandchildren whom I fed with titbits from sweetie and cookie jars. I'm afraid it wasn't to be, so your blog bought a sort of lump to my throat. I hope her best friend's stocking is filled with coal, I bet she doesn't believe in Tinkerbell either!
You are a lucky grandma, she is beautiful.
Tahnk you Sandi for the tip, i have been trying to do what you said...it has helped a lot.
Take care and big hugs,
Carol xx
We used to decorate to the hilt, inside and out...I dont know what has happened this year, we just dont feel like it :-( Hopefully that Christmas spirit will come back
Ahh that was so lovely Sandi. Miss E is 8 and I'm so scared this may be her last year believing. I'm so glad your little grandaughter still does. I hope she has a wonderful one.
Such a sweet, sweet story. Your little granddaughter is very beautiful as many others have said. I remember my daughter coming home from 1st grade saying the "teacher" told them there was no Santa. She had her hands on her hips, and said "You lied to me". I went to the school the next day, you can bet your boots! In the second grade she came home telling me that I was going to Hell because I wasn't a Baptist. Well, now you know the end of the story. I pulled her out of there!
I think we have things straight now; she's 44 and still believes! hahaha
Funny you wrote this story as I was thinking today about the state of our country and how evil people are and how soon it will take before someone takes Santa Claus away like they have everything else and not allow children to be children anymore...
Loved the story below about maxine and being stuffed..... geat ones...
She is a darling, angel baby for sure!
You must have that bumper sticker!!
I still believe in Santa, and my kids still have a present under the tree on Christmas morning that wasn't there on Christmas eve.
The wonder and joy of Christmas is what makes it all so fun!
Happy Ho Ho Ho to YOU!
She is just adorable! I love this time of the year...just love it!
p.s. my internet is working again!
Oh Sandie, your grand-daughter is so pretty. Do you know there is someone in England who has celebrated Christmas every day for (I thing it's) years now. He makes a Christmas dinner every day, keep his decorations up and gives himself a wrapped present. He regularly gets into the papers.
Of course there is a Santa.
I'm dying a little each day because I can't see my grandaughter this Christmas- now to wrinkle it even more my college is playing in a bowl game there. Will the torture ever end??My rationale. I don't want to miss any of her days any of the years..
What a joy our family can bring into our hearts! To this day, my sons (now men)know MOM still believes in Santa...
Our Christmases are still filled with the miraculous joy of years long since past.
I am to see the smiling face of your granddaughter, I know she is most loved :)
My sons haven't favored me with grandchildren so far... but that's okay. I'm not in a hurry. Partly, I'm not sure I'm up to the challenge. But mainly I want them to have a chance to be and do the things they'd regret missing if they rushed into it.
Hmm... could be I'll never have grandchildren, huh?
Hi, and thanks for stopping by! Just have to ask, what's the post of the day? I think my daughter took over where your son left off. She's nine too, but let's just say, that's why I only have 1 child! Thank God for bleach b/c my hair would probably be entirely gray by now...can't wait for the teenage years!!!
Hy heart almost skipped a beat, what with there's "no Santa"! Good thing you corrected yourself, I am a firm believer in all things celestial, hailing from North Pole (South Pole with penguins is alright too), wearing read jammies and bearing gifts! :-)))
Sandi, you have her moniker right--Angel Girl. Arianna is the picture of loveliness and I like her spelling of Kris Kringle.
What I LOVE, however, is your explanation of how this Santa belief system works. It is mutual, and yes, the sleigh bells can be heard, and yes, always avoid the socks and underwear thing (unless Santa frequents Victoria's Secret).
And who tells kids its OK to tell other kids there is no Santa? Makes me crazy!
Hi Sandie:
I have three Grandchildren and everyone of them is so very special, they are all young enough to believe in Santa as I do !
Just can't wait for Christmas, I love it.
I do hope your Grandaughter makes up with her ex best friend.....
Friends are so important.
Incidentally, I've posted a little yarn about Santa on my site,which you may care to read.
Hi Sandi. I nominated you in a little meme thing if you get the chance. x
I love that quote, and am going to borrow it "When you stop believing-.... all the way up to the socks and underwear"
Your granddaughter is beautiful- but I guess you already knew that!
Wonderful philosophy....I love the idea of Santa believing in me! The accident waiting to happen sounds very familiar. The accidents are still happening:number one son dropped a car hood on his hand last week. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
There's no Santa Claus?? HMMM...wonder who still leaves stockings for her 31 and 34 year old sons? Not me? :)
Sandi, she's just precious. What a gorgeous little girl!
My little guy is turning nine in February, and while I haven't been asked directly about Santa, he has been hinting at it...
Would you mind horribly if I borrowed your explanation? It's exactly how I feel. And it's probably why Santa continues fill a stocking for me every year :)
Love your header Sandi!
My 12 year old just figured out earlier this year who Santa is, I saw the dawning, the beginning of a verbal acknowledgement, then he pulled back and gave a big grin. I did not have to give the "if you don't believe speech" thank goodness. His grin will stay with me a long time. I was amazed that we made til was 11/12. I love that he enjoyed the season without picking it apart! I loved the innocence!
Beautiful Granddaughter!!
Doesn't having kids/grandkids keep magic alive... What a lovely post. Thanks for visiting!
What a cutie you have there! Hmmm, what a heartbreaker to hear form a best pal! Good thing you were there to smooth things over, grandmother!
Hey Sandi,
Just popped over to see if you'd done anything new of late. Love the new Christmas look. Those glowing balls are awesome. You're getting so good at managing your blog.
Also the first thing that started playing on the playlist was the Joe Nichols song, "I'll Wait for You". :) Is that a new addiion? I don't remember it being on there before. Do you have that album or is it on your Xmas wish list.
Oh my, there's a beauty getting set to shatter a mulitude of hearts in a few years down the line!
I remember the exact moment I was told Santa doesn't exist, some mean girls in the playground told all. My big sis went and thumped 'em for me, and made them come and take it all back (tee-hee), see I had taken it especially hard on account I was born on Christmas day, and Santa had taken me down the chimney all covered in soot as a pressie for my ma.
Sam, my 15-come-five-year-old STILL believes in Santa, and his three sibs are sweet enough not to disabuse him of that. (Though it's a bit awkward yanking past Santa's grotto, he's getting a bit big to be a-sitting on Santa's knee) Grin.
Great blog! But don't you believe in
? !!!
Awww bless her heart :) She is a darling :) My son cole (also 9) still believes. He too came home and tlold me the other day his best friend Hunter told him Santa wasnt real :( My older 2 children play along for the younger kids... I told them you stop believing you get undies!
Did you see my link to my Christmas decoration this year?
BTW~ I would LOVE it if you were Autumn's grandma... the ones she has arent really into the whole granparenting thing :( Not like the one's I had ...its a shame. My husband's friend is more of a grandpa to them then our own parents!
My children are 18 & 15, & I haven't admitted 'anything' yet. I still like them to receive something from Santa Claus. I have mentioned Saint Nicholas to them, though, & talked about how his spirit is still alive. Saint Nicholas was not "a fictitious man".
What a great post Sandi. Dang that so-called friend. And I love the last line..lol.
She is a doll baby and as precious as can be.
I STILL believe!!
Grace still holds fast...her BFF does as well. Grace told me that there HAD to be a Santa because she KNEW her Daddy would never spend that much money on her!! (She knows he is a bit of a frugal Freddie) Cracked me up...
This will probably be the last year but hey. I still believe so who knows??
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