a short dissertation on life
A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life". That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it. Anonymous....
I include this for my husband Mac, a Navy Veteran of 30 years who never did less than his duty or more for his Country
Always smile broadly at your enemies.
It will make them nervous wondering
what you're up to!
If it's free, it's for ME! Words to live by
Is it just me, or are clowns kind of scary?
As you travel life's highway always remember that DOG is GOD spelled backward and act accordingly
Well intentioned advice falls on deaf ears
An enemy takes up more space in our head than a friend does in our heart...
"Lord help me be the person my dog thinks I am."
Girl I agree. I didn't want to fight a crowd. I had rather shop Etsy and help my friends out. These store are fighting like mad aren't they.
Too right, leave it till the last minute, like me, then panic buy.
I love Maxine, did you create her? She is me to a tee.
Good morning Sandi and happy belated Thanksgiving to you.
I pray you had a wonderful memory filled day.
Oh how I agree with you about no shopping today. My Nana asked if I would take her to Costco today and I told her even my love has its limits.
You've got it so right! And I don't think those Black Friday deals are all that great. Better to skip the holiday giving and do it after when they are trying to clear out the warehouse and store to avoid paying taxes on the stuff they haven't sold.
Maxine's bright red and blue car looked pretty hot! :)
And I forgot to say how much I love your details on how to decorate for Christmas with Hound around. It is so true and in full cat form.
Boy, I so agree with your take on "Black Friday!" My older daughter and her two best friends started going together -shopping, lunch, more shopping on Black Friday close to 10 years ago now and the last two years now, younger daughter has joined them. I hate crowded shopping, tend to do what little I do (most of mine is done online) year-round as opposed to the day after Thanksgiving and then, non-stop till December 24th!
The cat thing -just reminded me that we may have that issue this year now since Chino has never experienced Christmas before. Our sweet old cat, Gracie (who we lost back in April) was notorious her first Christmas as well as her second one, with climbing in the tree, batting ornaments too! I'll have to suggest your method to Mandy as she is the one who puts the tree up, trims it, etc. Sounds like a good game plan though.
I'm with you. I wouldn't shop today either. Not without a flack jacket.
Hi Sandi,
I don't do Black Fri. either!
Maxie hs it correct also.Lol
HAve a great day!
Loved Maxine!
Shopping is for the weekend and that's bad enough.
Hope your new little kitty has fun with the tree!
I guess I'm the crazy one who did battle the shopping and got some good deals. I got a print/copy/scanner for cheap and avoided the long lines by checking out in the sporting goods dept. I did wait in a long line at one store, but I saved over $60.00 on 3 items. In this economy I gotta save what I can! Wasn't a bad time.
I've done all my present shopping - I just have to wrap it all now. I do the majority of it online so I don't have to fight my way through the crowds in the shops. :)
Hi Sandi, No shopping for me today. I woke up full of energy and by mid day had a tree decorated in the kitchen, put on a pot of brunswick stew and made cheese crackers. I am just going to enjoy this day and watch all the shoppers on the news tonite. Happy Belated Thankgivng.
Great post! I loved your take on decorating the tree! good luck with the new kitten!
And Maxine is great! I love poitically incorrect Grannies! My Grandmother was the same! x
No shopping... no decorating.. just lazing around for me this day.. and eating all the left overs of course.. where's the pie?
How I wish we celebrated Thanksgiving! It all sounds very cosy and festive, especially the staying indoors and decorating for Christmas. I bet you have egg nog and everything we can only dream of.
I am with you. I hung out in my pajamas all day - lounging around my house.
And I love Maxine! Fiesty old lady- I aspire to be like her one day LOL
Belated Happy Thanks giving.
Maxine is great. So true and so funny.
A belated happy Thanksgiving to you, glad to hear that you enjoyed it. Being from the UK I hadn't realised that it was a big shopping day, I thought it was family get togethers & all shops shut like Christmas! You learn something new everyday.
I wouldn't want to be on the roads on a day like that either, here the sale starts on boxing day, the day after Christmas, and it is an awful day to be on the roads. This year with the recession the sales have already started as the stores try and get rid of all the things they need to sell.
Nope, never go shopping on Black Friday. I saw all those people camped outside Best Buy in the wee hours and I wandered what was the big deal. I always try to have my shopping finished before Thanksgiving, already the stores and malls are crowded.
I want venture out before Monday. I have to go to the craft store, Christian book store, Walmart and post office. Saving the errands up for one trip.
Mama Bear
Ho, ho! all you Black Friday non-shoppers!
You'll be out fighting for the bargains next year when the recession has started to bite!
When I was younger (you know last year or so) I used to fight the crowds. No more. I got wise! LOL We traveled home yesterday and the roads were pretty good. I guess everyone else was out there shopping.
Love Maxine!
Well I was one of the crazy ones out there shopping yesterday, although not in a Mall or the big sale stores.
You are brave with the kitten, Bon Bon is 6 months old and we're only going with a fibre optic this year to be safe.
Come pick up your award at mine, I am adding to your haul!
A belated happy Thanksgiving Day! You've been tagged! (Lucky you with a new kitten)
LOL I avoid stores on Black Friday at all cost. Had to work today at the store taking pictures that was enough. Love Maxine, thanks for sharing!
No Black Friday sale shopping for me.
I do not enjoy fighting the crowds.
Maxine is a crack up!!
I gobble, gobbled up lots of food on Thanksgiving, and I hope you did too.
Oh, I enjoyed that You Tube video you sent. That was one special donkey!
most hilarious and true hahah
I don't know why people enjoy camping out in the Walmart parking lot on Thanksgiving night, but if it's their cup of tea, I'll drink to it. Cheers!
And I'm with Maxine on the man in uniform being lovable in his place, which is not the rearview mirror.
How's the decorating going?
Thanks for the Maxine jokes. I enjoy her immensely. I too stayed in on Black Friday--before going into the city to see a play. I have found Amazon has everything the heart desires and, if not, the heart can learn to stop desiring. It works.
I hope the tree is coming along and that Hound is on good terms with it!
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