I remember my "elders" talking about time flying and I didn't get it at all. Time dripped down like molasses from a wooden spoon. It was in no hurry to pass, at all. The closest we got to understanding was when summer zipped by like mayflies. Suddenly it was time to go back to school, Thanksgiving was an eternity away and Christmas was just an impossibility somewhere over the horizon. That was then. This is now. I want to know where my weekend and whole 1/3 of a week disappeared to. It seems like just yesterday, it was Saturday. And now I'm told it's WEDNESDAY! No, really? Well what we've been doing is putting in my fish pond. When we lived over at the other house on Jackson Road, I had an ornamental pond filled with the loveliest Koi...they were so tame they would take food from your hand. I believe I told how the pond came about in an earlier post...it was like this, tho...for our Anniversary Mama gave me a complete pond outfit...the large rubber liner, the pumps, the chemicals etc...in April, I took it upon myself to put the pond in since Mac had made no move to do so. I got my can of spray paint and outlined the pond shape I wanted...sort of a kidney bean on steroids...then I got the tiller out and wrestled it over to the area where I was going to put the pond. Mac came to see what I was doing and promptly told me I didn't have a clue what I was doing and took over the project. Didn't know what I was doing? Little does he know. The pond was dug in just a little over an hour. By nightfall I had fish and plants in it. When we moved I had to sell my Koi because we didn't have a pond home for them to go to in the new place. I cried over their departure...they were my pets. But the gentleman who bought them kindly promised to let me come "visit" them. Okay, so here it is four years later and I decided that since I never intend to move again, we should try the pond again. We put the pond in three weeks ago, but it still needed to be landscaped. I had another vision...Mac says "you can't sit out here for more than five minutes without having a vision, can you?" No, I can't. I decided that we needed two contrasting stones separated by landscaping timber with mulch around the outside to go around the plants...we started this project on Saturday. We finished last night at about 6 pm. We collapsed into bed at 9 pm. It was well worth it. Now I have to go find myself some Koi.
Doing a little edit here...Poetkat did a "which muppet are you quiz...oh my...turns out
You Are Elmo |
![]() Sweet and innocent, you expect everyone to adore you. And they usually do! You are usually feeling: Talkative. You've got tons of stories to tell. And when you aren't talking, you're laughing. You are famous for: Being popular, though no one knows why. Middle aged women especially like you. How you life your life: With an open heart. "Elmo loves you!" |

Lovely!!!!!!!! Well worth all the work!
Get those fishies fast, before the snow flies. -grin-
Please do send me your True Southern Recipe for Fried Green Tomatoes. Looks like we're gonna' need it this year. :-)
Miss Mari-Nanci
'Smilnsigh' blog
That's a fishy story!
My goodness, how beautiful! Ya'll sure do nice work. Yeah, we women have our visions don't we? hahaha
Hard work but so worth it!
Don't remind me how fast time flies. :(
Now that looks really lovely. You have no idea how lucky you are to be able to play the "I'll do it myself" card and someone takes the hint then and does it for you! If I'd have ever tried that (digging) on my ex-husband, I'd still be out in the back yard 30 some years later, slaving away at the project and he'd probably still be up at the local bar, no doubt.
Hey Sandi, I just cleaned my face, used toner, moisturizer and anti wrinkle cream. Ha. While I'm wating for it to perculate, I'm going to comment on this post.
Did you see the picture I posted on Monday of the baby in our pond? I kept a picture of your new pond. There are things about it that I like. We'll be building one at the new house. There's hardly any landscaping at all so we have pretty much a blank palette. Quite a change from what we have now. I love the ponds here, the sound of the water. I'll miss them.
We're moving to Huntsville. That is where we lived prior to Memphis. We've been here 5 years. We both grew up in north Alabama so it is home to us. We lived further south when we were younger. That is where most of our extended family is.
I have moved a lot, 8 times since 1993. This will be the last time, we think, until we go to our eternal home. That is unless there is an assisted living or nursing home in our future.
I have to tell you: When I am reading blogs in the morning, I usually plug my speaker because I don't like to listen to other people's music (in the morning). I had it unplugged and heard the song: I'll Wait For You. I love that song. I like the video too. I see you have several of my favorites on your list.
Another thing before I forget, I have very fair skin also. When I buy makeup it is the shade just darker than the lightest they have.
Mama Bear
That's lovely, Sandi! Can't wait to see the photos you take of the fish swimming in it. How did you get the cats to stay away from the new pond for these pictures?
Nice post - I would love to have a koi pond, but I'm afraid the local 'coons would get 'em.
Your "blogging buddy" looks just like my Gilbert.
Your pond and garden turned out beautifully. Great idea with the stone and mulch, but I know that wore ya'll out to get it done. Can't wait to hear your fish story.
LOL! I took the quiz from Kat's site and I was Cookie Monster --always hungry...lol..how did it know that?
Your pond looks great!
This summer is certainly flying by! Enjoy it!
I took that same quiz from Kat's and I was Cookie Monster...lol Always hungry --how could it know me so well? LOL!
Your pond looks very nice.
Summer is certainly flying by -- enjoy it!
Hi Elmo!!hahaha....Hard Work!!! I'm sorry you had to give up the fish....hughughugs
Hi Sandi,
Love,Love,Love your pond.
And MAc thinks you have no clue, hey we know how to do it huh?lol
Hope your having a great wk.
I agree time sure flies by these days!
How terrific is that? I've always wanted a 'water feature'... Right now I'm settling for a bird bath.
Love the pond. You are going to enjoy so much.
I am Bert hehe. Fit me well.
Sandi, I too am aware that time speeds up exponentially with each passing year. All the more reason to have a koi pond in which to lose yourself in timeless reflection.
Just don't go having TOO many visions! I take that back. Go head. Have visions. You are good at bringing them into reality.
I tried to take the Muppet quiz. The phone rang. I lost my concentration. I don't want to be stamped with the wrong personality profile just because I lost my test-taking edge.
This is a great post. Good for you for creating the pond! This is a great story.
I sat here a few minutes ago trying to remember what day it is....Yeesh!
Hi, Sandi,
Thanks for your visit to my blog today (Sunglasses Required). I appreciate it.
I enjoyed your today's post on the pond.
I read a few of your earlier posts, and am so sorry that you lost your sweet Ariel. I'm a "cat person" and know from experience the grief one can go through when a beloved pet dies. Sending hugs your way.
What a fab' pond Sandi, love the contrasting gravel!
Wow! A fish pond. What a fabulous thing. Hope you really enjoy it!
It's Thursday now! I was actually thinking about a blog this morning and something similar to yours came to mind - how time flies. But that makes me feel old and I'm NOT!!!!
Great pond, you have done a beautiful job.
CJ xx
Perhaps it was a bad moment when I took that quiz because I turned out to be Oscar the Grouch. I am not posting that! :/ Ha!
Your work looks lovely!
Love that simile...time dripped like molasses from a wooden spoon...ah, that's a really great one!
Knowwhachamean about time zipping along!~
I personally love it that you have visions of beauty everytime you're out in your yard! We benefit greatly from the results, though I'm sure you and your husband bear the brunt of it in your bank account! :)
Knowwhachamean about time zipping along!~
I personally love it that you have visions of beauty everytime you're out in your yard! We benefit greatly from the results, though I'm sure you and your husband bear the brunt of it in your bank account! :)
Whee you are a plant person too, my passion as well. looks superb sandy
It may have seemed as if you didn't know what you were doing.. but you were just being.. koi. ;)
Hi I just popped over from Jay's having noticed you mentioned Beaconsfield. My brother lives there. It's very beautiful.
Oh I love it! It looks really nice. I've been begging to put one in at our house but the husband is being a grouch about it.
What do the cats think of the pond?! ;)
Sandi - good for you getting your pond going again. It looks lovely. I completely understand how you feel as we had one at our previous house, complete with fish, and here we have a small wildlife one, with frogs and newts. I love it. And when we do eventually move on it will be the pond that I will miss the most.
A x
Hi Elmo! ;) I must take that quiz, see who I am!
I loved your description of time dripping like molasses, too!
That pond is beautiful, and I'm very impressed by how fast you got that done. What are the plants with the huge leaves?
Bert & Ernie are my faves--don't know who I'd turn out to be if I did the quiz, though. Why can't my garden look so beautiful? LOVE what you have going on here! I've been at it for 2 days, and mostly feel like a Dirt Farmer!!
lovely work.....
Hi Sandi,
That is truely a wonderful pond. Don't you just love the sound of water? When we take the deck down this Fall I so want a little Koi pond. My sweet son in law told me he would put one in for me.
I like seeing your pretty pond.. you have good visions.. Time goes too fast for me.. I'm older..
Nice pond. I put a double pond in this year. I only have large gold fish in mine. I am cookie monster. Imagine that. :)
I really need to sit here and have tea and a scone. Have you found the fish yet?
Re- Your voting commentary . Is Pyewackit running on the independent ticket? I'm embarassed as always by this race and people who think they have a savior running ha a first termer who gets lots of media breaks- and what about that last group we elected they surely let us down- oh well. I'm from a military family so I'll vote military and pray for the best ..does the name Pyewackit come from a story in England??
Yes. I know what you mean about time zooming by. We've been back in "The Centre of Britain" (Hadrian's Wall Country) for five whole years now. I cannot believe it. I like your phrases: "time dripped down like molasses from a wooden spoon" and "kidney bean on steroids". Wonderful stuff.
Love it!!! It is so pretty. I know you will really enjoy it....m
I'm a Bert - what? Eccentric? hahahaha well, maybe!!! :)
What a lovely pond! Now, all you need are the fish.
Koi are so pretty, and they will love being cared for by you. I'm sure they'll be eating from your hand right away.
You designed such a pretty pond and surrounding area. No more visions for awhile, okay?
Give Mac a rest.
It's good to be home and back to blogging.
I'm so happy to read your posts again!
I'm Ernie!
Wow Sandi! It all looks great. I can see how hard you worked, but isn't it worth it now?! Good job!
That is incredible! You are gooooood.
Yep, I think you should post your fried green tomatoes recipe.
You tellin' me it's time for me to do my pre-spring gardening?
Okay, Okay, I'm on my way ....
It's very impressive Sandi, puts me to shame, but I make the excuse for being a coach potato because I am involved in running a business(albeit that we are handing over to the younger generation) and I'm creaking on a bit in age!
Are you kidding Me? Talking about time flying. I can't believe it's been a week since I visited you and while I was gone you put in a whole pond....landscaped!!
Sandi, your fish pond turned out wonderful!!!
Time certainly flies by faster the older you get!
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