When I tell you that we have had another dry summer, I am not kidding you. Last time we checked, the rain deficit was standing at 18 inches. That's 18 inches of rain that we need to get just to come out of a the severe drought stage and into the plain old ordinary drought stage. We have rain barrels set up at the back to catch what little rain might fall. Mac was threatening to load them on the back of the truck and go wherever he heard that rain might be falling. He said we could be like the storm chasers, only instead of looking for tornadoes, we'd look for rain. He said we could park beneath underpasses and the rain that flowed off the bridges would fill the barrels pronto. I told him the men in white coats would be more apt to pick us up. I love to watch a storm, always have. I think I get it from my Grandpa. He liked to watch storms. I remember once standing on his front porch and he was holding my hand and we were watching a cloud begin to form a funnel. My heart was beating a mile a minute. It wasn't fear though. It was excitement. I was to young to know that the storm that was brewing could kill. I know now. But I can't help but still have that shiver of excitement when a storm comes.
This morning we were anticipating that Fay, the hurricane that wouldn't quit, was going to bring us rain. Poor Florida (and I so hope that my friends there have survived without much damage...) was hit at least four times by her contrary self. The rain barrels at the back of the porch needed to be completely emptied and the flower beds needed watering, so that's how we spent the morning. Emptying and watering. Preparing for what is to come. Because we know that once this rain goes by, it may be some time before we get another soaker. And a soaker is what we need. We haven't had a real rain in months. The usual April rains failed to materialize, and June was no better. And so the ground, dry and hard, repels the water at first, which causes flooding in areas. If we hadn't dragged that blamed hose from garden to garden we wouldn't have anything to show for it. It was hard work. But for now, we'll hope the rain barrels fill, the ground grows soft and supple again and Mac can stop planning on being a storm chaser! I'm to old to start another career.
Rain Barrels lots of memories there ,. When they weren't holding water my dad kept snapping turtles in them live for soup and so it was in the hills of Wva..sk Yehaw!!
Hey! We've had a dry summer too. I don't believe as dry as last year but close. We could use a little of that rain from Fay.
My granddaddy loved to go out on the porch and watch the storm, but we children were told to sit down and be quite when a storm was up.
Then after a tornado came through and leveled parts of the town closest to us, I learned to fear storms.
I'm just a big ole chicken!
I'm envisioning a man, standing under a bridge somewhere in the south, holding a rain barrel and waiting for the water to pour into it, all the while a woman stands behind him, pulling on his shirttails, calling "The men with the butterfly nets are coming!" Quite a vision, huh? That part (obviously) struck a chord with my funny bone I guess. My twelve tomatoes have stopped growing but have never begun the ripening process. Guess we're gonna be stuck with a meal of fried green tomatoes from my garden this year. Oh well, it's still more productivity than I've ever had before in any of my gardening attempts. Next year, I'm planting my stuff a little earlier and finding a slightly better spot and getting stakes put in behind each plant too, good and early as well! Be prepared, right?
We had a pretty decent amount of rain here in MD this year.
I wish you enough; not too little, not too much. We finally have now had a day without more than 30 minutes of drizzle. But, in this part of the state, we've been much better off than others. I see there's another "action" out there; I think it's called Gustav.
Take care!!
Aw...that brings back memories. My Grandmother had a water barrel at the edge of the carport. She would get water to rinse her hair with from it.
You know, the Austin Wildflower Research Center has every roof on their grounds channeled into moving water from there to the watering system they set in place. It is totally effective and really cuts down on water usage. Which is helpful considering the size of their place.
Storm chasing isn't a career, Honey. It's a vacation! :) Can you tell one of my favorite movies is Twister? LOL
We might finally get a good dose of rain toward the end of the week. I swear, the lawn's been brown for more than a month, and now it's turning crispy! I just can't see investing in greeening it up when fall is almost upon us. Fay seems to have parked herself over Florida, and didn't move fast enough to do anyone any good!
Sandi, I certainly wish that there were such a thing as weather balance. That way, I could've had my summer back and you could've had plenty of nice rain. Either way, it's a pain.
Hope that Fay is indeed gentle with you while giving you some soaking rains that count for something.
Tenacious are you and Mac...very!
I hope the rain stops for you. It is scary when it rains too much. I wanted tyo thank you for all the kind comments you leave me. You are much appreciated. xoxo Nita
It would be nice to be able to share the rain. We've certainly had our fair share in the midwest.
I too remember a rainbarrel at my great-grandma & grandpa's house. I wonder now how they kept the mosquitoes from breeding in it!
Boy, we got lots of rain yesterday and last night! I'm praying you get plenty too.
I love to sit on the porch and watch a storm too.
Hugs sweet friend!
And here we are in the South West of England complaining that we have had too much rain this summer and not nearly enough sunshine. My son and his family live in South Australia and they have a drought problem there too. Hope you get your rain soon Sandi.
A x
We're getting rain today alot but much needed.;o)
Hope you have agreat wk.
Hello Sandi, I do hope you are feeling better..
We've had rain all through our summer here in the UK, a bit depressing for us but very good for the water reservoirs and are wonderful green landscape.
Ooops Typo: I meant to say 'our' Landscape.
Oh Blessed relief Sandi. We got rain last night, finally. It was heavenly this morning to wake up to a gentle rain falling and cool temperatures. Our lawn was brown and crispy. When everything is brown it depresses me and makes me grumpy. I swear I think everything greened up overnite. We may get some more Thursday and I hope you do too! ~ Lynn
Girl load those barrels and come see me! It has rained all week.I have lots of rooms and never have friends come and stay. I will treat you like a queen hehe.
Love, Brenda
We actually had a bit of rain yesterday...for about 5 minutes! But that's typical for AZ! I'm hoping you're going to get the rain you all need and soon!
I'm a storm lover too and I don't get to see many out here.
Take care!
If you like rain you should come and live here! :(
We've been fortunate to get some really good rain the last 4 days and off & on very strong storms but nothing severe - just some much needed rain. Hope it comes your way!!
Have a wonderful day.
Wish we could share some of this crazy rain we're having with you. I haven't really had a chance to *empty* my rain barrels much this summer.
Thinking watery thoughts in your direction.
Oh my, Sandi, and here we've had the rainiest, wettest summer on record!
Here's hoping your rainbarrels fill to the brim, sooner rather than later...
Here's to rain barrels filled to the rim! xo
Far too much rain for summertime here - I haven't had to water my pots more than about three times all summer! And the rain barrel is brimming.
I know what it's like in a drought though, and how the ground cracks and repels water. Here's hoping you get a good amount of rain. You can have ours, if you like!
Sandi, I am sorry about the comment I left. I was really tired when I read your post. I hope you do get the rain you need. I just put your link on my site and re-read your post. So I had to leave a new comment.
xoxo Nita
Ah, to be a rain chaser. I hope you get all the water you need and more delivered to your door by Mother Nature!
We've had a dry summer here in NY too. I've had to water my flowers and veggies almost every day. Now I heard the Farmers Almanac is predicting a severe winter for us in the NE. Not such great news with the price of home heating fuel so high. I hope they're wrong!
Was glad for the rain we have had the last couple of day. Wishing you a wonderfully beautiful night...m.
I wish we could send you some of ours. We've skipped summer in the Uk this year, and gone straight from spring to an extended autumn!
We don't have to chase them here. They keep chasing us. We are flooded on our island. We are not complaining though. We don't have to water our garden now. Looks like more rain today for us.
Did you get the rain Sandi? We did! The last two days..It poured. Hope you got some!
Rain chasers now that is funny. I hope you get some rain your way soon. I will send you som of ours, we get it almost daily. I heard another storm is on it's way up to Florida soon, maybe it will grace you with it's presence. Fingers crossed!
Come on over. I can fill your barrels four times over. Why can't we share the wealth?
I love when a storm comes through. It is exciting. I don't want tornadoes coming, but I do like it when the wind picks up and I can watch as the dark clouds cover the sky. Storms come through here so quickly. It can be sunny, then cloudy and rainy, then back to sunny again so quickly. It is not like that in CA where I am from. I am enjoying living in AR. I also LOVE that it stays warm while it raining. So neat!!
We've gotten some good rains over the past months.
We are supposed to get four days or more of rains next week, most likely in relation to Gustavo.
I hope you get some good rains too, also, in addition!!!
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