I'm never sick. Ever. Oh I have my bouts with the RA (and knock on wood even that is getting to be infrequent occurrences) but for the most part I'm healthy as a horse. As far as I know, I don't have any allergies that could threaten life and limb, lucky girl me. I do however, have a need for half way decent air and if the air is stagnant, it makes me cough after being out in it. So what's wrong with me? I forgot that when the temperature is 99 and the heat index is about 72 that you really shouldn't be out in it if you can help it. Well, I had a birthday party to attend, so I couldn't help it. When it finally reached the point where sitting with my head down instead of cheering on the young folks trying to break open the paper mache' guitar filled with candy, I really should have paid attention.
So, for the past few days I have been lounging on the sofa, listening to the news till I got so depressed that I finally just went back to bed. I mean, really. Cloning puppies was one of the top stories of the day and this in a world where millions of animals are destroyed yearly because they can't get a home. And to top it off, the cloned ones were pit bulls. I guess when that little nugget of info was dropped I must have snickered because Mac said, "must not live around here...all they'd have to do would be ride down the road, open the door and call out and they'd be jumping right in. If they don't kill you before you get home, could be a nice pet." Okay, so that really got me into a coughing fit of laughter and that was when I made my apologies and headed back for the inner sanctum. That was Monday. Tuesday I noticed that Arial, my little blogging buddy, was looking worse than I felt and opted to take her to the Vet. The news is so not good that we'll leave that for another day altogether.
...but we came home and both climbed into bed. At this point I am not sure how you would describe how I look and feel but warmed over death comes to mind... My temperature went up to 102 but the chills I was having was the first time I'd been cool since Saturday so I just let the fever take me. Ah, bliss...the very idea of cuddling under a blanket and actually longing to get warm is a sensation so close to heaven it is hard to describe. Today, though I still have no appetite, I at least feel good enough to sit up and take a little broth...and tea. I've been in here for about ten minutes and haven't slid to the floor yet. Yet. So, right now I'm going to wind this up. I promise I'll be catching up with you all soon...may not be my normally witty self, but you'll forgive me...

Bless your heart.... get to feeling better... almost sounds like you had heat stroke.... or flu... maybe a trip to the Dr??
Oh no, sorry to hear you're poorly sick Sandi. Get well soon. x
Sandi, girl -you better be getting better fast -get back on in the swing of things cause it gets lonely here without your wit and wisdom.
Hi Sandi,
Sorry to hear your sick!
Hope you feel better soon!
XOXOXOXO Blessins',Lib
Sandi, I'm so sorry you still feeling bad. Hope things really improve quickly. Request, if this 102 fever sticks around for one more day please get thee to a doctor? Don't guess I need to tell you to push fluids and such, but I might remind you that adding some fresh squeezed citrus, especially lemon, in the water helps your body flush toxins and improves energy level.
Hugs!!!!!! Prayers for health ascending!!!
my goodness I am so sorry you are feelnig under the weather. I pray you feel better so very soon and are back to your perky self.
Sounds to me you are still your witty self with the puppy comment.
Hope you feel better soon
Oh i agree it does sound very close to a heat stroke. My I hope you are feeling beeter soon. Do you hear the knick on your door that is me coming to take care of you....I have hot tea with lemon and chicken soup...My Love....Mary
That is no fun at all. Been down that road not too long ago. But hey at least you still ahve your sense of humor. Hope your little blogging buddy is okay.
I am so sorry you're feeling bad Sandi. I hope you are up and at'em soon!
My goodness, girl. Please take care, and get better soon. I'm sorry you're not feeling good. ((HUGS))
Hope you get to feeling better soon. We're leaving for Florida again tomorrow to take Maddy Moose back to her mom. We'll be home sometime late Sunday, hopefully. Keep drinking that broth and tea!
Love ya,
P.S. Don't even get me started on the cloning and sure as heck don't get me started on the cloning of pit bulls, of all things. SHEESH!!
Hope you're feeling much better today!
God bless!
this is enough . What is this - see how much your bnody can take week??I predict a weekend recovery !!!sandy
Sandi - if it's just a touch of heat stroke you should have recovered by now. Another vote for you to see a doctor - you may need further investigation or treatment.
And I do hope you feel better soon! *Hugs*
Wow, that sounds really bad, like you had 2 or 3 bugs going on, doesn't it?
And I'm feeling sorry for you having to deal with the vet and whatever the vet told you, while you were so sick!
Take care of yourself and I hope you are feeling better soon!
GoodNess!! Hope you get better SOON Sweetie!! Bless your heart!!! Stay warm and Feed A Fever!!hughugs
Oh my! I hope you feel better soon!!!! ((((HUGS)))
Better yet? Here are some ice chips to sip on and a nice fluffy pillow. If I see that truck, I'm gonna write down the license tag.....mean ol' thing.
I must apologize. I've been a bad blog friend lately. My days just have flown by and I can't seem to keep all the "balls in the air". But I'm trying. That's what counts, right?
I'm so sorry you're feeling puny...that's a word my Grandmother used. I hope you're feeling much better soon sweet friend.
Are you up and running yet?? Please take care of yourself...who else will send me funny emails with great jokes in them but you?? I chuckle every time, girlfriend!
Sending you good karma!
This has been going on for awhile--have you been to the doctor? Your symptoms sound like mono--could it be?
Oh Sandi
Hope you feel better soon.
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