Last Sunday the town of Ruby did something special to honor their Doctor (who just happens to be my father). Daddy first came to them in October, 1963. He left a good job in the city, as the song goes...a very large city. He had been working at DC General Hospital in Washington and we lived in Falls Church, Virginia. My sister Holly had just graduated High School (Bishop DJ O'Connell a Catholic High School we both attended) and my parents had just sold the house we lived in to the State of Virginia. Where our house once stood, Route 66 was going through. Now, my Dad swears this is what happened. Knowing Mama, I have no doubt of it whatsoever. He says that after the house sell Mama called him at work and told him "Daddy is here with the truck, we're packing up and moving to Chesterfield. " Most men would not be quite so obliging as to pack in a career and move South on a whim...but to say he loved Mama is an understatement. He talked to the other Doctor's with whom he worked and they told him that if he had to go, then he had to but if he changed his mind his place would be available for him. We'd only been back in Chesterfield a week when the job offers started coming in. He had his first patient after having been a guest of my Grandparents for a day. He asked my Grandmother how this person had known he was there and that he was a Doctor. My grandmother replied, "this is Chesterfield, everyone knows everything about everyone." He was asked to work in Charleston, SC, he had an offer from Jefferson and my Uncle Gary (Douglas) persuaded him to take the town of Ruby up on their offer. The new Doctor they'd hired had backed out at the last minute and the new Clinic stood empty. This is how we arrived here all those years ago. When Daddy was taken suddenly ill a few weeks ago and had to have emergency surgery, so many people from the Town and outlying areas who had been his patients for so many years, became alarmed that this stalwart servant of the people was lying ill in hospital and only his family had known. Some of the patients became so upset that they called the Sheriff's Department to report him missing. Just as the door was about to be broken in someone called my brother on his cell phone and reported that there was a "mob" of cop cars parked in Daddy's yard and wanted to know if everything was okay. I in turn called the Sheriff's office to ask THEM what was going on. Okay, we got that cleared up and the Law left happily. Since he has treated most of them (or any who stopped in) for free for years, I'm sure they were glad to know that he was alright, too. After Daddy arrived home from the hospital my sister Toni told me that the town was planning a big "surprise" presentation for him at the Ruby Baptist Church. I thought about this for about a week and then I called Daddy and let the cat out of the bag. (Okay come on, you knew there'd be a cat in this somewhere). I didn't tell anyone I was spilling the beans, I didn't want anyone talking me out of it. I just decided that you didn't pull a surprise like that on a 95 year old man who never considered himself anything other than a Doctor doing his job...he didn't want thanks and couldn't figure out why they (the Town) wanted to do anything special like this for him. I called Toni and told her that he knew what was going on and she was so glad. So all his family (see photo and click to enlarge) and friends were there, there to tell him that they appreciated all he had done for them over the years and that they loved him. It was a beautiful event for an unassuming man. It made us all proud.
A true god amoungst us. You have a right to be very proud of him.
Wonderful of the community to show how much they cared. Is the lady in the blue plaid shirt related? She reminds me of you a bit.
Thanks so much RandC...um...Lee...That would be me, so I guess it's only right it should resemble me lol...having a bad day with RA, so shoulders are hunched up like an old woman!
Fantabulous post, Sandi and Happy Father's Day to your Fantablulous Daddy!
I remember when he was ill. What a wonderful thing that they were able to do this for him, and show him how much he is appreciated.
And how wonderful it is, to inherit such great genes!!!
Ahhh yes, and according to your comment, you really do remember the original "Secret Agent"!
"Secret aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagent man... "Secret aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagent man..., they've given you a number, and taken 'way your name." :-)
'Smilnsigh' blog
...Honestly, I can not spell at this hour of the evening. ;>
This is so awesome. I loved reading about your dad and all that he has obviously accomplished to have an entire community on the lookout for him.
Now my congrats to the photographer for taking an amazing photo! Everyone looks marvelous! Is the pretty lady in the flowered dress your sister? Your evil sister even?
Oh that was wonderful. And I think you did right to warn him. :D
Well, my goodness..I just deleted my comment by accident. First time I ever did that!
This is such a nice tribute to your father.
Blackberries ready?
hugs, bj
Okay lets see, lady in black is cousin Crystal (retired Police Officer)and next to her in flowered dress is sister Holly, then in red is sister Toni, lightly flowered dress is Aunt Margaret (Mama's sister) me in check blouse, cousin Alice and then Alice's daughter Bridget...Daddy in front of course...
What a wonderful tribute to your dear Dad for Fathers's day.
Hugs, DebraK
Sweet Daddy! I know you must be very, very proud. Amazing he is still practicing at 95. Stay cool in this hot weather Sandi and have a great weekend. ~ Lynn
Awwwww.How Wonderful!!! He's Very special, indeed!!! Happy night sweetie!!hughugs
Ya got me all teary. What a beautiful thing for the town to do and what a great man your daddy is.
What a nice post! How sweet that they wanted to break his door down. Seriously, in this world where people go unnoticed, I think that is a HUGE compliment.
How wonderful to be in a town, that is so close. Your dad sounds like an amazing man Sandi!
Hi and thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. As soon as I came over I recognized you and I have visited before...maybe from David's LOL. Lovely tribute to your dad today. :)
God bless every last one of you in the town of Ruby. The part about calling the sheriff to report your dad missing stole my heart. Your dad is a gem. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story and giving me something to aspire to. God bless.
What a great story, it is great to hear that the small town charm is still alive.
What a great tribute for your dad, although he is very unassuming I know it had to feel great for him to know all the people he touched care so deeply for him
Sandi - What a beautiful tribute this is on so many levels -from the town to your dad and from you to him, about him! Outstanding all the way around!
That area of Virginia -would that maybe be Seven Corners vicinity? I bought my first car from a Chevy dealership there back in 1967! And, there was a time when I seriously considered going into Nurse's Training after high school -where -well at D.C. General, no less. No, I didn't do it and there are many times over the years, I have very much regretted NOT taking that up as a career too! Oh well, live and continue to learn -even from our mistakes, right?
Many, many congratulations are due your dad for being the type of doctor -and man -he obviously is today and has been all these years.
Hi Sandi,
Love your tribute to your father ("Ricky") (Rico)...rich in heart and mind..he sounds such a great person. Wishing you, him, your family and the town of Ruby many more happy times together.
Hi again...I've entered you on my blogroll list. Love your blog!
Greetings and best wishes Hadriana
How wonderful that your Dad's patients appreciate him so much. you have every right to be proud of him.
What an amazing man he must be to have so many people that love and appreciate him. Just think of all the lives he must have touched in Ruby over the years!
I'm really glad that you were all able to be there to share it with him on his special day.
What A Great Post!
Have a great wk.end.
A lovely tribute to a your father and his faithfulness to family and community.
Great post and you have every right to be proud of your father..such a blessing
Wonderful post, Sandi. We all need people like that in our lives.
What a charming life he has led! I really enjoying hearing of all he has done, and it is fitting that he be honored....Thanks for sharing! Angie
I love tributes. This is where we get to learn how awesome the "common man" is. thanks for sharing this with u s.
What a great post!!!!
What a wonderful story. Hope he had a lovely Father's Day!
Hi Sandi,
What a great tribute for your Dad! He must have touched so many people lives. 95 years old, wow that's just great!
I didn't know which was you until I came to the comments. Then, I headed back to see you in your blue plaid shirt. You are a cutie! It is good to put a face with a name and all this witty, wonderful writing you do here.
I am so glad you dad was honored in this way.
It was a good idea that you told him in advance.
He is truly a fine man, and is well deserving.
Remember me? I've been so bad about blog reading lately...not because I don't want to read, but because of my crazy life recently. Lots of company, which has been wonderful and then all the medical tests, etc. You've been a busy, busy girl. I've really enjoyed reading all your posts I've missed. I especially loved this post about your dear Dad and the one about Hound.
Wow, I can just SENSE the proudness! What a special guy!
We could use more people like your Father. Great men who have done Great things and are so humble!! Such a sweet family picture. My wish for you is a week fillled to the brim with Blessings...mary
That is so wonderful. It makes me smile to know there are still doctors around that truly care. Its heartwarming to know that the community showed how much they care. My stepdad was an osteopathic physician and surgeon (he passed in 93). He kept his office open in a depressed urban neighborhood even though he moved to an upper class neighborhood and had an office there as well. I worked for him for a long time...i cant TELL YOU how many people he never charged at all...he always had me call, or he called the next day after someone was in to check up on them...especially the elderly. I didnt think there was anyone left like that...im sure you are very proud.
(Good Lord, 40 comments on this one!)
This was so sweet, wonderful to read about first thing in the morning, a good way to start my day!
Thanks for sharing!
How sweet!! He sounds like a wonderful man.
Great post Sandi - are you sure he's 95? Fab picture too!
I cry tears of compassion every time I read this..sk
What a lovely story. How proud you must be. VLiF
What a wonderful tribute by a community and a statement to his impact on the town of Rudy (and beyond, we are sure!)
Great post!
kari & kijsa
thanks for stopping by and your sweet words !
have a wonderful day....bj
A beautifully told story, Sandi, of an amazing man. The missing person segment is a hoot! I did enlarge the photograph and the shared affection is so apparent.
Thank you for the lift, friend.
That's a lovely tribute to your Dad Sandi. I clicked the photo - what a nice family shot! A moment to treasure for sure. Thanks for sharing it.
oh how BEAUTIFUL!!! jeez, it made me cry for the sweetness of it:)your father sounds like a truly wonderful man...your family and the town are so lucky to have him...
*sprinkle* i have just given you some of my luck...LOL!!!
Sorry Sandi, I have been away too much lately...hard to keep up everything and all the blogs!
I do hope that you fighting fit - I am sure that you are...wish you could pop in for tea !
Happy Fathers Day....to your Daddy.
Carol x
What a sweet thing for your daddy & how wonderful that everyone loves him. Great story!
Happy Full June Strawberry Moon to you, tonight!
Smilnsigh blog
Tapping my foot impatiently. Where's an update Miz Sandi? Hope everything is okay, you shouldn't leave us hanging this long.
Hi Sandi,
Okay, getting worried about you. You haven't posted for almost a week. I guess you are okay because I have gotten some e-mails from you but I start to woory when my blogging buddies don't post for awhile. Hope you are well. Love the email about South Carolina. LOL
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