We were doing hamburgers and GS was doing her world famous slaw. I was amazed because she was actually making it in front of us so we could all steal the recipe if we were so inclined. I was. I did. I will. I told them about a house that had burned nearly to the ground on my way out to her house. It struck me as suspicious...but that's the cop blood, you see. Everything is suspicious. So GS told me that there had been a few suspicious fires in town, and that I could be right about the house. Everyone was moving around the kitchen, breaking up lettuce, slicing tomatoes, GS was now making chili so those of us so inclined could have a Carolina Classic hamburger...chili and slaw with a healthy slice of Vidalia onion. Turns out we were all so inclined. She cut the potatoes to fry, and looking around at our bounty, said "Wendy's doesn't have anything on us, girls!" Asking me if I wanted a soda, she directed me to her fridge. "I put some diet cokes in the freezer."
I walked over to the fridge, pulled the freezer drawer out and grabbed a coke. I heard one of the girls say, "did you intend to put a morgue drawer in your kitchen or was it a happy accident?" Every one broke out laughing as GS shook her head and told us it had not even occurred to her until it was set in place. After that several of us begged her to tell us the story of the night she got pinned in the Morgue.
The Morgue in the old hospital was more like a walk in closet with four odd looking drawers inset into the wall. It was old, having been an afterthought years ago when the hospital was first built. The only other people (other than the resident dead) that entered on any kind of frequent basis were the Medical Examiners and family members there to identify a loved one, or view a loved one who had passed in the hospital. One of the drawers, the bottom drawer on the left had long been in need of repair, but administration had done nothing about the repairs in the six months since the request had been made. There was now a trick to pull the "Resident of the drawer" out into the light for viewing. In the room was a tall metal trash can, you had to open the door out, pull out the drawer and quickly kick the trash can under the drawer to support it and keep the body on the tray of the drawer from tumbling onto the floor. The ME's had become so used to doing this that it was just second nature, open door, pull drawer, kick can, support tray. See? Easily done.
So this one night when GS was the ME on call, she had to go down to the Morgue to do the paper work on a body that had just gone down from upstairs. The family would want to "view" her, she knew, and she needed to get all the paperwork in the system. For some reason, the "Residents" were always put in feet first, rather than head first which made it difficult to read the toe tags. You had to pull the body completely out to read the information. GS said she groaned when she saw which drawer her patient was in. She expected the worse. She got it.
"I opened the door, " she told us, "and realized that the body within was well over three hundred pounds. At first the tray refused to move. I had one leg cocked to kick the trash can under the tray when it rolled out, but the tray still refused to move. Instead of looking to see what might be holding it, I just gave a hard jerk on it and suddenly it began to move. It picked up momentum and before I could kick the can under it to support it, it came off the track and pinned me to the back Morgue wall. I couldn't lift it. I couldn't move it. I began to wail hoping someone would hear me. After a bit, I gave that up and decided to save my voice for when I might hear someone coming down in the elevator. I figured that someone would miss me eventually, or the family would be escorted down to view the body and that I wouldn't be here long. I was in there for an hour before I heard the slightest sound other than my own breathing. I began to yell, "hello!!! hello!!!" at the top of my lungs.
The young ME was now thankful for the sweater that she had pulled on before going down to the glorified closet. It was cold in here. Of course, it needed to be cold, but she was afraid she was going to freeze to death before anyone came to her rescue. It was the elevator she heard that sounded like an angel skidding to a stop. She heard a voice singing a gospel song and so she began to shout, "in here, help me please!" She saw the young man in the huge mirror that hung on the morgue wall and showed the outside hallway. He stopped, took an earbud from his ipod out of his ear and stopped. His eyes were wide and his mouth hung open in shock as though he had awakened and found himself in the midst of a horror movie. The ME, whose voice was now raw and wispy from shouting for over an hour, again called out, "Hello!!" She could hear the young man clearing his throat. He too seemed to have lost his voice. He turned all around trying to locate the voice. He began to stammer back, "hello, where are you?" He turned into the Morgue and seeing her there against the wall, ran over to try to help her. It took three men and a jack to free her from her chilly prison, but they finally managed to get the tray back on the tracks and into the drawer. "You know it was about a month before I felt warm again. And it was the impetus for building a new morgue. And high time, too!"
And so that's the story of the Morgue Drawer...line of duty stories? I have a million of them.

Great line of duty story . . .that is great!
Now THAT is hilarious!
What a great story! Was it told with a (cough) deadpan face? ;)
Oh my goodness!
Quite a chilling tale, Sandi! I'm sure your friend saw now humor in that at the time but in retrospect, it's is really a good and very funny story.
oops!!!- I used to work somewhere that shall remain nameless, but the Porter always used to frighten new staff by knocking on the wall of the Morgue room when they brought people down... I don't think it ever went as far as pinning them down!!!
OMG..... What stores people in careers such as that can tell.. but not sure everyone wants to hear! hahahhaha My son is Law Enforcement and there are some stories that I just laugh and laugh and there are some stories he does not share...... This was hilarious.... I pray that the lady in the drawer was watching from her heavens door and having a good laugh also!
Absolutely brilliant and if you have a million line of duty stories then let's here them girl! That was a hilarious story and I could picture the whole thing!
That is a chilly tale, at least you were not quite as cold as the resident of the drawer, but almost.
Oh dear heavens! That would've done me in...completely! Great story, Sandi, you sure know how to tell'em. If you've got a million of them, you'd better keep them coming.
Keep telling them! Hilary's comment was hilarious!
I think you all had a better time than guys do playing poker. I mean, how many times do you hear of someone getting shot over chili burgers?
LOL! What a wonderful story. I want to hang out with you guys on girls night out!
Hilarious story - much funnier in the telling than in the experience I imagine. A x
Hi Sandi
What a riot...when my husband used to stop at lunch for milk before coming home, he'd keep it chilled in the morgue...he had to stop, noone in the family could drink it!!
Oh my! What a story! Can I come to girl's night? Sounds like too much fun!
Holy MOLY! What a nightmare--but a funny story in hindsight!
That was a great but chilling tale. Quite funny really after the rescue that is.......!
Terrific, funny story! I hope you'll share more of these Line of Duty stories. I love your storytelling talent!
I felt cold just reading this one. I HATE being cold, so could feel her pain!
I need to google where Jefferson, SC is b/c if it's in the route between Rock Hill to Columbia to Myrtle Beach, I can probably find it, and I can make that yard sale & take some of that stuff off of your hands! Just don't start too early! I like to sleep late! :O) LOL!
LOL! How fortunate you had a rescuer, how horrible to have been in that position any longer than you were! Thanks for the story.
Wow - what a line of duty story. I wish that you and Daughter Jennifer could get together and swap "morgue stories." She often assists with autopsies. I'll let her see this tale.
Lovely post and story....with Wichita lineman playing..one of my all time top ten songs...l just love it!!
thanks for a lovely visit
Oh my holy heck. I'm gonna have nightmares.
That is too much. Why a sense of humor is a prerequisite for jobs like that one!
Mellifluous Morgue Mayhem. Sandi - if you can fictionalise these stories: you have a best seller on your hands methinks! ;) Hxx
Oh My. What an experience11 Hope you all had a really good time...m.
Great story. Who knew a morgue could be so lively.
HEEEEEE HEEEEEEE omg that is SO FUNNY. I laughed out loud on that one!
Your story is way too funny! In my line of work, we deal with funeral homes on a daily basis and we can tell a few line of duty stories as well.
Morgue and Mindy !!!
(Sorry, I couldn't resist that, Sandi)
And please know that your comment on my Verse and Worse is definitely the comment of the week!
That is horrendous, what an ordeal! Another one for my worst nightmare list- being pinned in the morgue!
'Course, if that were to happen today, she would sue and retire to the Bahama's!
You sure know how to tell a tale, what a story - I think I would have needed housing next drawer up from the corpse.. I woulda' just died!
Oh, my goodness! You know, when I see a scene in a movie which involves people getting trapped in morgues or chillers, I always think 'but they'd never survive the cold for long!'
I'm glad your friend DID survive. But wasn't she injured from being trapped under the weight? She must have had horrible bruising on her legs. :(
Oooh Sandi, that gave me the creeps.
I would need therapy after such an experience....very funny though!
HAHAhahaa....I KNOW it's not funny...how horrible for her...BUT....Hahaa....hughugs
I love reading your tales, but that one surpassed them all! It was gripping, chilling (Ha! Ha!) but above all so funny. It reminded me of an 'I Love Lucy' script. Please, please, let us have more of these 'tales of the trades. Thank you for making me laugh.
Oh my goodness! That's a great story.
A great story to tell but not to live.
I love it Sandi. You are a fabulous storyteller!!!
I miss the company of females! I don't know anyone here, even though I've lived here nearly 6 years. Um, that's sort of sad, isn't it?!
As for girl friends, I only really have one. I need to learn to drive and get around more!
Thanks for popping in on my blog! I've enjoyed reading yours. You made me smile :)
A book comes to mind. Seriously. Has this woman considered it???!!!! With the success of all this CSI and medical examiner stuff, this humor side would rock...
Great story...and I'll bet your are right in that you have a million stories to tell. just keep tellin' them..
xo bj
If that had happened to me I probably would have wet myself and then passed out from fright. You are a great storyteller. Tell us more ~ please!
Hello my name is Michael. I have seen your blog and it is perfect. We follow your blog from Greece and I wish you good fun and joy
A simple life, simple happiness
Greetings. Michael
An hilarious tale, if a little chilly!
What a story!! A frightening experience at the time, but hilarious in the re-telling.
Hi, Sandi,
That's a great story - thanks to David and your comment, I have your blog to see now. Love it.
Oh my gosh, what a story! i will be back to read more. Thanks for visiting!
That must have been awful. I hope your friend can laugh about it now.
Wow! Fantastic story! Thanks for writing it up.
Hey, Sandi,
Super-honored if you put me on your blogroll. I'm 'following' your blog now.
This is a wonderful statement:
"I want to live my life in such a way that when my feet hit the floor, Satan shudders and says "oh hell, she's up!"
(from your about-me section). Did you make that up? I've had times in my life where I felt exactly that way.
That...was a great story! O my, I'm freezing jjust thinking about her standing there for all that time.
Wow! Now when I get stuck by a drawer I PRAY it's not one like that!!!! It makes for a funny story though.
Wow...that sounds like the good start of a scary novel. Stuck in the Morgue could be the working title, huh?
Yes Aprils husband job will be awhile longer,but they got a great deal and the court mess with Kaytlynn is getting to be where they need to be here.
They are going to go ahead and buy and she can be decorating it.Kaytlynn will be able to be ready for school in the small country town. Not as close to me as before,but close enough I can run over any time.
LOL! too funny sounds like something that would only happen to me.
Oh yeah...morgue stories! About 10 years back, my job entailed almost daily visits to the ME's Office. How's the best way to break in the new guys?? Just lay down under a sheet and jump up when they are getting their "pit tour"!
Great story...thanks for the smile.. :)
Wonderful story. I am so glad it had a happy ending!
nd congrats on being David's PoTD.
Another fantastic award winning story from you! Congrats on the award!
Chilly tale, indeed!
Where's my sweater? ;-)
Congratulations on winning David's Post of the Day award, well earned!
A horror story of impeccable quality. I think I'll stay in bed.
Congratulation with Davdid's honour! Well deserved.
great story!!! really brilliant..
Great story, Sandi! Found you through David's POD - congrats!
I used to have a job where I had to record the temps in the morgue during my shift at a VA Center. I tried to get out of there as quickly as possible. On occasion, there would be a cadaver out on the table at room temperature, so I would complain the next day - what's the point of checking the refrigerator temps when there were bodies left out in the open?
LOL oh gosh ... I get such a chuckle when I come here to read a story... your sense of humor when you write just puts the biggest smile on my face...
I think it would be such a blast to meet you in person...
WHAT A HOOOOOOOT!!!! Or a scary howl at any rate....
I am hoping to do a new post soon... (I know whup me with the wet noodle already !!)
Just starting to catch up with all the blogs... and I have a LOT to go!
Oh my goodness Sandi that is so funny and scary all at the same time! Just brilliant. Would keep me out of the morgue for a while!
Congrats on POTD!
I came and read, but forgot to comment. Too funny! Thank you for sharing that story with us.
one of my cousins was an undertaker and he always had interesting stories to tell, and always had us laughing.
Sounds like you had a great girls night out!
Great story! The medical profession does get into some strange situations! When my oldest daughter was young, she wanted to be an ME. She kept that option open until residency and chose surgery. She spent most of 2004 in Iraq treating the wounded and is working with the recovering wounded at Fort Hood now. Thanks for visiting my world.
Great post, Sandi. Is Patricia Cornwell part of your group? :)
Quite a chilling tale
Hi Sandi!
Haha I could just imagine all the thoughts going through that guy's head walking into the morgue hearing a croaky voice!
That would have totally freaked me out!
I'm back and I've missed reading you!
Big Hug! Donnie X
This is seriously shocking and yet so funny! I'm glad the ME got out ok.
You know, they make pull out refrigerator drawers for bedrooms now. You almost don't have to go to the kitchen in some master suites.
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