Monday, February 23, 2009
The Farmer Takes a Cat
I've been up since 4:45 this morning. It is now 5:38. When most people are still snoozing in their nice warm beds, I am up, showered, hair washed and bright eyed at (looking at clock in corner) 5:39 in the morning. What (you might ask) has me up and about so early? Why (I hear you pleading) am I annoying the world with an early morning posting? Well, two reasons. One reason being that I have it on good advice (David McMahon at Authorblog) that one should try to post on a daily basis. The second reason is Mac's darned cat. Well, not a cat yet. Still a kitten. And hey, if the kitten annoys me, then I (in turn) will annoy anyone who gets in my way. Sonny Boy, who is a Russian Blue, (and who should have had a home by now but anyone who wanted him couldn't get SLED or FBI clearance to please Mac) gets in these contentious loving moods...he runs through the house and into our bedroom and takes a running leap to jump into the middle of the bed, turns his motor on and then proceeds to head butt Mac till he's awake. Then there is much tussling and playing going on while I, the innocent bystander...or layabedder...get pelted with the fall out of such love and devotion. I toss and turn while they wrestle and play. I lie there and think about how good a cup of coffee would be. If Sonny were any good, he'd sprout thumbs and go turn the coffee pot on for me. But no. Still the laughing and playing go on and then Mac gets the bright idea to teach "the baby" how to play vigorous games of catch foot. So, now I'm up. They make me sick.

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No catting going on around here I am just a morning person. But no shower NO...in my comfy soft robe and a cup of joe and my computer...all I need since I discover this wonderful blog world. Woke up to a new follower, welcome! It's the little things in life that bring happiness.
Have an awesome fun day, Candy
Ah kittens, puppies and men! When men see a baby they head off in the opposite direction at the speed of light. Show them a small furry animal and the coo and chuckle away like they have just fallen in love.
You have my sympathies, and why not make them both sleep elsewhere until they both learn to behave!
Cute post Stevie........
I'm with Candy,just up drinking java and cruising the blog.
Russian Blues are just darling - You will learn to love, meantime, put kitty in its own room with all of its accoutrements, and shut the door - Don't let them sleep with you or you'll always be on kitty-time!
I agree with MOB - banish them from the kingdom! Well, at least your bedroom...
ROFL! Hooboo and Hyram do the same loving things although I'm trying to teach Hooboo that my hand isn't a play toy.
Good morning, My Friend!
Good Morning! Thank goodness I'm a hard sleeper-my husband is the one who always hears the cat when she wants something to eat or to go outside! Sounds like our husbands both love animals in the same way...
There is nothing like a headbutt from a cat early in the morning. Ah, the joys of kittenhood. lol! Glad to hear Mac has a new friend.
LOL - bless your heart! I was not in the best of moods yesterday after two nights of being woken up during the night, but not by a frisky cat - coughing TV watching teenagers! I am caught up on sleep now! Thank goodness!
Maybe you can take a "cat" nap? hehe
no ,bessides paternal grandmother ,i have maternal grandmother.but paternal grandmother stay with us .maternal grandmother stay with maternal uncle.you' up early ,i'm going to bed.have a good day
I have a sneaking feeling that "Sonny" will never have adequate 'clearance' according to Mac. :) I feel for ya!!
Well, Sandee, you know that the early bird catches the worm! I have to keep my cats out of our bedroom because of the same problem. In the past I had wonderful cats that would sleep all through the night, but not the two I have now! I have a cat attached to me at all times. LOL
Hope you don't fall asleep by this afternoon. Have a great day.
You maybe napping by now lol. sorry about your early morning,but I sure understand. My inside cat is getting older and lazy,but these dang dogs think when daddy wakes up for work( this morning at 4:30 that it is time to go out and tinkle.then of coarse you know after i freeze and scream for them to come in they have to eat and all the outside cats come out of hiding and start to climb the door to be fed also.I try and lay back down,but the dogs are full and happy and ready to play chase. UGGG coffee PLEASE.
Seems like this is all starting out the way you are not going to like it carrying on.[what kind of a sentence was that?]
Don't have to train a cat, they make their own rules and you have to abide by them.
LOL!!! This is to funny. I'm not a cat person at all but I love that story.
LOL! "Sprout thumbs and go turn on the coffee pot". Thanks for the morning laugh! Have a super day!
You'll have to close the bedroom door. And before you say, he's standing at the door meowing, get a sound machine. Smokey comes to get me when the coffee starts automatically. Sometimes he comes earlier, that's when the door gets closed if it stayed open all night. He wants his morning loving. He uses his head to butt my hand so I'll rub him.
Take a nap,
Mama Bear
HAhahaaa....I'm sorry!!! You should have kicked Them out of the bed!!!
Happy sleep tonight though!!hughugs
Oh, I hate getting up early. I hope your up early turns into a productive day!
Thanks for visiting my 365 photo project.
I would lock him down stairs & firmly shut the bedroom door! Cat I mean..... well maybe husband too, carrying on like that.
I get my phases of waking early mind.
Like all'cubs' everywhere!
There's a whole lot of feline love going on around here, too. I feel your pain. Say, darlin', what did you do with or to your playlist?
Hi Sandi,
I too would lock the cat in a separate room.. I need at least an hour in the mornings to "wake up" so I feel for you!
By the way I laughed my head off at "they make me sick" !! haha X
Great post, Sandi! I could see it all unfold, through your words.
I'm not sure I could do a post a day. I've never tried it. Perhaps that is something to consider for year 3 at the Back Porch. Maybe now and then more words less picture stories.
We don't have a cat but I get up at 5 every morning.
We have a "kitten" who's now 7 years old, and she still pulls those kinds of tricks! Moker the Hubby is a morning person, and I guess that makes me one, too. Can't really sleep in with all that rummaging around going on! And it's true about posting daily...good for you and good for your blog!
I feel for you. I was up at 5:30 with the dogs of my life this morning. All three sleep with us--thank goodness for king-size beds! Two of the dogs have to be touching me and our crazy old cat sleeps on the pillow with me--he is 16 and has had a slight stroke. He is not quite "right" and I don't have the heart to banish him from my bed..... My husband could sleep through anything, so I end up catering to my four-legged children.
Kittens are so much fun - but maybe not so early.
Awwwwww..... what a sweet thing that you would get up for little ol' them! :-)
I didn't know David advised that. I must say that it was quite an honor to be highlighted by him a couple or more weeks ago. He is really a brilliant writer!!
Anyway, I hope that you survived your early morning rise!
Sandi, lol that is what happens to us every morning when Matthew is awake, we have him between us in the morning, and he is rolling from side to side to wake both of us, at some point he was picking one hair at the time in front of my head, lol, and me so tired don't even respond sometimes....Sandi your story is funny...lol. Anna :)
For a glass half full perspective:
Be glad Sonny Boy is a cat and not a Great Dane!
Kittens, like children, are only tiny for a short time. Enjoy!
LOL, Sandi... loved this story!
Sheila :-)
Can I smack Mac for you?? LOL....My cat is 18 yrs. old and never was a sweet thang...really just a mouser who allowed no other cats to take up residence with us. But lately she has become this loving, I want to be right up next to you, butt you in the head cat. I don't know if she thinks her time is about up and she's trying for kitty heaven or what. Smiles ~ Lynn
I'm up at 6 am every work day so there's no way I get out of bed before 7.30 am at weekends. I find though if I'm awake I just cannot lie there pondering. :(
Snort! I can empathize, but not overly much. I love cats.. and kittens all the more. :)
hee hee. Im awake at 4:30 every day when the herd begins to get up...im up shortly after feeding the indoor herd and the outdoor strays...i love the early morning, its so quiet
I absolutely loved this post! I'm up at 4:30 and out the door at 5:20. I get to work 2 hours early because I absolutely HATE rush hour traffic!
LOL!! That's why I have dogs!! LOL!
i bet you will end up being the greatest devotee of this cat..hat cleaning post makes me ill, and by the way I am Super hero Barky Stick interesting since I just took down a tree. !!Sandy
I am doing what you are...Trying to post daily. But managing to write daily instead. That David just blows me away! His mind never stops working!
And this is why I only own dogs! I grew up with lots of cats and they loved to wake me up - early. Glad Mac is having fun - and I hope you get enoough sleep! Take care.
TOO funny! I finally had a day to come by and visit my favorite bloggers! I so enjoy your stories and have missed coming by to visit.
Daily blogging posts - so wish I could get in the routine of that!
Have a wonderful day.
When you smile, I smile, that’s the deal.
I will not walk past you and not look you in the eyes and not acknowledge you.
Instead we will pass each other and say hello.
Not with our words, for they are not the same; but with our faces.
I meet you and I see there is good in your eyes, there's passion in your heart and there's a friendly hello in your smile.
And for the first time we can relate and appreciate each other.
That’s all it takes, that’s where it starts.
Because I know that you will smile and I will smile and the rest is easy.
It was worse than you think, Sandi. Your blog was timed at 5.37 am, not 5.39.
Russian Blues are lovely cats. If MY WIFE wasn't allergic, I'd be glad to take him.
That no good Sonny.
:D awww..they're cute! but it's still some ungodly hour to be playing around.
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