Mindy with one of her Mob members...Peanut

My newest Bloggin' Buddy, the Butterfly Gardner has tagged me with a meme...I'm supposed to first tell you the rules. Yes, that makes sense to me...tell you the rules first.
Here goes.
1) Link to the person who tagged you.
2) Post the rules on your blog (copy and paste 1-6).
3) Write 6 random things about yourself (see below).
4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them.
5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Now, if I can think of six things about me that I haven't already blabbed about (and I blab about everything) this is going to be a snap. I think someone should make up a meme about six things you wish you had done...now that could be interesting. Might break up a few relationships, but as a dear friend of ours always says , you rolls the dice you takes your chances... Okay okay, I'm dragging my feet, I know...but here goes nothing.
1. I'm married to the only man I've ever loved and the secret to 40 years of marriage is simple. I like him, too.
2. I love to talk. I'd talk to a face on a brick wall if no else was around.
3. Hmm...I'm not quite sure how to put this...I'm bossy. I mean, really bossy. I don't mean to be that way, but I think it may be genetic. My Grandmother was bossy and so was my Mother. I learned from the best. When Mac tells me I'm getting more like my Mother every day, he really isn't giving me the compliment I take it for.
4. I don't suffer fools gladly. Ohhh, don't get me started about fools!
5. I have a Lab mix who is blind. She had a stroke when she was three months old during her little operation for spaying. The Vet suggested we put her to sleep and I get a new puppy. I kept the old puppy and got a new Vet. The cats adore her, we call them her Seeing Eye Cat's...these are cats that were living wild when we moved to the new house. Of course her own cats adored her, that the new mob would was nothing short of amazing.
6. I believe in Spirits...you might call them ghosts...
Okay, that's six! And here are the ones I'm tagging to do the same. Five of my new friends and one Sweet friend that I've known from the beginning...we'll start with her
1. The Beach Kat http://justabeachkat.blogspot.com/ because although I know a good bit about her, I'd still like to know more.
2. The Coffee Bean at http://righteousbuzz.blogspot.com/ Since the Coffee Bean is so sassy I'd like to know how she got that way...genetics or life?
3. Moannie from http://theviewfromthisend.blogspot.com/ Her blog is always an interesting one to read, she will happy to tell you her opinion on things...you don't even have to ask. My kind of Lady!
4. Sandy from http://spiritifelici.blogspot.com/ who shares love and laughs everyday...or everyday that she can.
5. Imerie from http://thegreengrassgrowsallaround.blogspot.com/ and I love a blog that treats family and family life so face on.
6. And last but certainly not least, RBK from http://rbksrealm.blogspot.com/ a single Mom who is now an empty nester...like a lot of us...I want to know more about her. She is intriguing.
Now, on to the awards. The sweet Cheshire Wife gave me the Kreative Blog award and I'm very happy to accept it. I especially love the name of her blog,The Cheshire Wife...it's so English, and I miss our life there so much. Beach Kat gave me three! Count 'em THREE and since they are awards I've never gotten before, they too, are special to me. They are at the top. And now for an Edit to the post! Pat, at Back Porch Musings has honored me with yet another terrific award. It is of her own creation and I accept the Comfort and Joy award with awe for her talents. If you haven't been to see her, you owe yourself a trip. In case my links aren't working she's on my list of Bloggers I visit frequently...In fact, everyone I've mentioned is a special friend, please, go check out their blogs.

I can't begin to tell you how long I've worked on this. I started last night. It was difficult, I kept losing my links...I tried to think of something interesting about me, but believe me, since I retired, I'm quite boring. Well, maybe a little boring. I am going to share out these awards, but I think I'll do it on another day. I'm just to tired to be magnanimous, so I'll just be Sleepy, instead. If you all don't see your link, blame Blogger, I've worked hard enough to get them in here!