So, as I was saying, time keeps getting away from me like a runaway train and I'm going to be sitting in here after supper tonight visiting everyone. It may take most of the evening, because you know I have a lot of folks I call friend. The one thing we all seem to have in common is a strong faith in God and a belief in miracles. Together we put up a powerful prayer chain for those in need. The old adage "walk a mile in my shoes" is so apt these days. We never know what problems in life each person has that is so close to being the straw. If we can lift one straw from the bale that loads a friend down, then we've done a powerful job.
While we've been doing the fall garden (I'm praying for pumpkins here, people) I've been neglecting to tell you of awards that I've gotten of which I'm so proud. So here goes...from Brenda and Susie Q and Holley and the rest, I say thank are my Side Bar make my day, too...I intend to hand these out very very soon...pass them on...heck, there's no time like the present, is there?
So, first my thanks to Brenda for this sweet award...and now to present it to a few of my favorites...

She never fails to have something in her blog that sets me off to giggling or having a warm feeling . And to Jo at Jo Beaufoix who tells a tale in such a way that you feel you are there with her. You'll love her sense of humor! (and her two cutie pie kiddies) I'd also like to pass this on to
Vee, our newlywed at A Haven for Vee who never fails to make me smile! And finally, but not least, to Jeff B, at A Word In Edgewise and if you've never visited him, you're in for a treat.

I'd like to pass this award on (and this is a SusieQ creation) to several of you...first of all to Jan at THE LIFE AND TIMES OF LI'L OL' ME.....another of my friends you'll enjoy visiting! Also to San at A Life with a View You'll love her art work and her take on life. Cowgirl at Riverdale Ramblings is one of the hardest working women I've ever known. Her life in New Zealand is no lady of leisure life, but she handles it and her family well, plus her myriad guests at the bed and breakfast...and the cows she has to take to higher ground...lost yet? Go check her out! She's a peach. And to David McMahon at authorblog who is the most helpful blogger out there. Really. Go see. You'll be amazed at what this man manages to do for us all the while caring for a family and a job...

Go'll love her blog, too! I'd also like to see that Christine at Epiphany Sanctuary receives this, she has the most calming blog in blogdom...
Okay, and just today from Holley at windycornerI received this:

and earlier in the week had received it from Jeni at Down RIver Drivel .
Who could ask for more? It's all tea...four cups of loving tea...and I say thank you Holley and Jeni! And I want to give this award to everyone one who reads this...because you are all my friends and if I tried to list you all I'd still be playing catchup next week. This includes the ones I've just awarded the others to, so don't cheat yourselves!
For anyone I may have left out who gave me an award, please forgive me...I'm old now, I'm lucky I remember my own name...I need a secretary. I can't afford to pay much. But I'll feed you well. And speaking of feeding...
There's one more site I want you all to bookmark and visit daily is Click to Give @ The Animal Rescue Site
Click on the site and help feed an only takes a few seconds of your time. They'll thank you.