Facebook. Facebook is a world all to itself. There is Yoville, Farmtown, Farmville, The Cotton Mill and the Candy Shack...and God knows what all other fresh shades of hell. I kept hearing about how much fun I was missing. "You've got to come to Facebook, " they all cried. "It's FUN!" I went in and found that I had about a hundred invitations. My pal Evil Sister asked me, "okay how does one enter Facebook one day and have 74 friends the next?" I had no answer for her. I simply was acknowledging invitations. Okay, does anyone realize that I have been missing from Blogger for over a week? Did anyone send out a search party to find out what might be going on? If so, I didn't see you waving at me on that distant shore known as Bejeweled Blitz world. Yes, Facebook has games, too. By the way, Facebook has a new apartment for me as well. My friends and family keep sending me gifts with which to furnish this apartment. Of course it took me days to figure out how to accept the gifts and then place them in my new pad. My new apartment looks great. The house I actually live in looks like hell but my new apartment is set up for a party all the time.
So I of course accepted an invite to be a neighbor in Farmville. Great. The garden outside needs weeding and mulching, but I'm in Facebook Hell trying to keep the herd of cattle that my friends blessed me with from eating the crops that I "planted" and intended to harvest. If I get one more tree I'll have a forest almost as dense as the one I have in my actual world. I need a cattle dog to herd the cattle, a sheep dog to herd the sheep but does anyone send me one as a gift to go along with the bovine crew? Or a fence? No, I'm expected to go harvest other neighbors crops to earn the coins to buy my own fences. And possibly dogs. And my darling Anna (DIL) sent me the gift of a cat for my Yoville Apartment. Now why didn't I see that one coming?
I was talking to Evil Sister the other day and she said, "what are you doing in Farmville? I sent you an invitation to be my neighbor in Farmtown! It's a lot more fun...you need to come check it out!" I have noticed a twitch in my left eye and my right hand seems to have a mouse attached to it permanently. I can't put it down. And then last night I saw a new game a friend had been playing. It was Break the Brick Wall. So I had to go check it out. The twitch is decidedly worse and I'm overdosing on caffeine.
I really must go now...I hear a cat calling me and I'm not sure if it's the one in my Yoville apartment or one of the ones who live a real life in my real world. Facebook. It's stolen my life.

Sandi, this post made me laugh. My middle daughter encouraged me to join Facebook so I did. A year went by because I didn't know what to do next. I know, sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Eventually I plunged in, opened all sorts of applications ('apps' as they're known) rigorously posted and played and saved various life-forms, sent invitations to all and sundry (mostly sundry) and filled photo albums. Then I discovered blogging and Facebook has taken a back seat! However, my daughter-in-law has asked me to give her a FB 'tutorial' so I'm likely to be back in the thick of it again pretty soon;-)
HAHAHAHAHAhahahaaaaa....tears are rolling here!!! I Swear!!!
I'm on f/b to, and I just gave UP on all the Yovilles, farms, Mafia hits...etc...I looked like you described and my house was a shambles! Now I just make comments and do a small post once in a while...Good luck Sweetie! And YES I sent out the search party BUT, your "people" told my "people" you were in some barn taking orders for some more ducks and hay and couldn'be disturbed!Hahaa...
I think I have feelings of blogger envy. I have noticed you not coming round but just figured life (real life) had you running and that you would return when the smoke settled.
Had not idea that you had been 'stolen' away by the competition ;-)
Sounds kinda scary and fun at the same time.
Hope you have fun in whatever magical world you walk!
Sandi, thanks for stopping my my neck of the woods. All my horses are in the corral and the Bluegrass is dying back. I know what you mean about the addiction. I realized that only the private schools have a reception for GP and we have one private high school in town and they have it too.
Gracious, Sandi. I joined F/B a while back but so far have stayed away from the games. Addictive personality, you know? It scares the heck out of me; my butt is flatter than a fritter with what I do already!! hahahahah
Thanks for very much for you kindness and support of Ben. You're an angel on earth. ((hugs))
P.S. The cornmeal soup your grandma made; was that to help with illness?
So true and so funny. Thanks for the chuckles.
Oh dear! So glad I read this, I have been thinking about joining, fraid I was missing out on finding out if anyone I knew 'then' was still in the land of the living, but reading your post makes me think again...and again. The Blogosphere has already got me addicted, i can only imagine where I might end up on Face book...sounds horrendous.
LOL Sandi, it's obvious that I need to spend more time on Facebook. I'm way behind in accepting invitations and catching up with all the games. I hear they even have a version of scrabble back so we probably need to locate it and check it out. I think they call it something different though. ??? I'll see you on the farm! Loved this post! I totally identify!
I joined Facebook after my daughter insisted, got an invite for mafia wars and played day and night all winter long....... had to quit come spring, thank goodness!
oh my word, you are well and truly hooked.
I can't do it! It was too much work! Blogging is enough for me to handle :). BUT, MY SILs swear by FB!
Hey... I know what you mean... I've spent the whole summer farming in FarmTown... but boy do I have a farm to brag about.. now that I've reached level 34 and bought 3 mansions, 6 small houses and 2 farm houses not to mention the barns and other buildings... I'm getting control over that game.. ha ha
So one of my child friends asked me to join FarmVille... and I agreed just to give her a neighbor.. yeah right... Like I can't work hard enough to get more farmland... ha
YoVille I've just visited a few times... but my apartment is coming along..
Mafia Wars is so foreign to me... don't know what I'm doing ... keep trying to fight with some boss who keeps beating the tar out of me... but I will not run away..LOL
I promise you as soon as you've seen all your friends photos... you'll cool off and facebook will not have complete control..
I really enjoyed this post!!
I'm on Facebook but I declined most so-called friends whose names I never remembered.
Google has to send me a message I even have a post.
Younger relatives send me notes about pictures and that is about all I do on Facebook. Forget the games. Blogging is more fun.
But that is really funny. One friend is in Farmsville. I was invited to find some cows. I decined.
Sandi, I've had a few tell me I'm missing out by not being there. "All the artists are there!" one blogger emailed me, "You would LOVE it." Another blogger told me she got addicted to it at first and spent way too much time there. I know I have an addictive personality when it comes to online pursuits, and my "sponsor" tells me to stay away from the bar, I mean, the facebook.
Girl I hear ya..I thought the same. I found so many old friends and family I hadn't had contact with in 30 years. Im so hooked and love it.
I only play Farm Town because it is so realistic and I have to make it to the top. Come friend me...Brenda Eason, Mississippi.
Younger daughter here joined FB about a year ago now, then the two other kids joined but I held out. The thing that pushed me over the edge was when an acquaintance joined and sent me an invite so I could view her photos and I took the plunge. Thankfully, I have never indulged in any of the games and such on FB but I do appreciate the way it does help me stay a little connected to some of the children of some of my first cousins. (Does that make sense?) They tend to post a lot more pictures than their parents share with me plus little dribbles of other info too that is nice to have for my family tree documents. I'm lax enough with my blog as it is, plus also have the addictive personality and to get too involved with FB games and such, would totally take away from my other addiction -the crafts thing, especially the oh-so time consuming embroidery!
See you on FB though perhaps.
Facebook did this to me too and I quit. Quit I tell you - QUIT BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!!
You will never see your family or friends again (except on Facebook, which you will hereon and forthwith refer to as f/b) unless you quit before it really is too late.
Those games. I never saw my bed before midnight. And what was I doing? nothing. nothing constructive anyway. Sitting at the pc just growing things, chopping things, building things and trying to be top at scrabulous.
Quit. Really. It is not worth it!
(But if you don't quit, then have loads of fun. And either way, it gave you this post which had me giggling away!)
Cyber addictions can be sooooo dangerous. Now I've got to get back to Must Pop Words - my words are falling
LOL Sandi! Well, I am really impressed with you! You know so much about facebook. I joined because I had been invited, and I accept friends invites, but I only post if someone sends me a message and I have never play a game there...didn't know they had them! I am tempted to look now, but I am trying to get my new house ready to move into and pack up this one..I fear that if I go to facebook and look at those games I might now get moved in!
I am NOT getting into face book under ANY circumstances!
Blogging is addictive enough!
Great summary! All so true... but what a fantastic way to share information and photos and keep up with friends overseas. I am cutting back on the plowing and fighting, but with F/b and blogging, I am certainly never bored :)
Love your blog -
LOL.. and this is exactly why I don't like Facebook. I've joined but I stay very much in the background. I don't comment and very rarely click.. and only peek in about once or twice a week. I'm not getting into the hard stuff! ;) Very funny... well done. :)
I'm right there with you. I have a Farmtown and Farmville and a real life yard that needs some vegetables harvested!!! I haven't been bloggging much at all lately either.
Oh facebook. I have resisted it greatly although one blogger friend invited me to join and I did and then another so I have a whole 2 friends on it! I just can't get into it and only reading your post reminded me to go and have a look at it just now! My girl, you've got it bad! You'll never leave the house especially if you get into Twitter too! Resistance is futile.....
LOL So very true. I wish my living room in real life looked as good as my yoVille pad.
Hahahaha..... but its the true ;)
For me takes blogging many time,
facebook is to much (for me ..) ;)
I've not been on facebook since someone sent me an old battered sofa from the town tip or somesuch! :0
Hi, I know exactly that you mean and have been well and truely hooked. The games are so addictive. I thought to myself one day, what a waste of life!!. I was spending anything up to an hour a day on this pointless game. I only go on facebook now to check my messages and stay in contact with people, I much prefer to blog it is so much more interesting.
Anyway thats my opinion.
Oh Sandi that is too funny! I have also been away from blogging because of FB! It's addicting I tell you! Now I'm going to to look you up and send you a friend request! LOL!
I was persuaded to join Facebook a while ago, too. They told me it was fun, too. *Sigh*
Well, I've nothing against the actual social network side of things, although I've had people ask to 'friend' me and I have no clue who they are, AND when I ask I get ignored .. but the invitations and 'gifts' were driving me nuts. I made an executive decision to just ignore that whole side of things and now I'm much happier.
I never, ever thought I'd find myself refusing a 'Johnny Depp', I must say. LOL!
I do play Scrabble though. Obsessively.
Funny...I know I'm awful, I just ignore the requests but I do like to keep up to date with my friends I never see any more.
Glad you made it back for a while...it can be a little addictive.
I love Facebook - at one fell swoop you can let everyone know you are alive and well and to expect no phone calls or emails for a while. Why? Because between Blogger and FB there is just no time left.
Wait until you try Bejewelled Blitz - people won't ever see you again!
I'ver resisted so far, but 2 invitations are sitting in my email in box ......
Facebook is one of my favourite sites, I have to admit. Have made so many friends on there, including contacts with regards to my paranormal interests, authors, publishers, and many people connected with autism. I find it a great source of information too. However, all the games such as Farmtown are way beyond my technical capabilities. I give them a wide birth I'm afraid!!
CJ xx
I have been holding back...I am on there, but not really doing anything with it! For now, it is the easy way to keep with my upcoming *#th High School Reunion.
I know myself...if I get into everything else, I'll never break away! Hope you continue to enjoy...what a ton o' fun to have sitting at home in your pj's!!
I have not slept since I joined Facebook! LOL! If I started Farmtown, it would be the end of me! LOL!
Too funny .. and I am again glad I only stop by to see pix friends post and catch up on their clever utterances ..
Now don't you desert blogging for facebook will you cus thats someplace I ain't going !!!!!!and i would really miss you
I'm glad you find it so entertaining. I do not get what all the fuss is about. I very seldom even go look at my page or that of anyone else.
I'd rather be blogging.
Mama Bear
I'm glad you are enjoying Facebook. It is a world unto itself, and it can be a complex world.
I have you on my blogroll, and a few times a week I scroll up and down looking for new posts. I have been noticing there have been fewer new blog posts. Facebook? Maybe.
I like the immediate, low-maintenance aspect of Facebook. But the writer in me really appreciates the blogger platform. I think I prefer it.
I love what you have written. I still haven't figured out what to do with the gifts I have received!
Facebook does keep one busy!! Wishing you a great week...m.
oh hahahaha. MY HUSBAND SAID he is going to buy me a farmville tshirt...i waste more time on farmville lol..and as you can see my blogger suffered from being kidnapped by facebook..i am trying to post at least every two days...i seem to have lost my followers!
Well, holy crap, you done gone and gone crazy!
I am utterly stunned to hear how Facebook has grown. I was on it when it first came out and got out...FAST! It's sounding quite ludicrous to me, but then so did blogging way back when.
My best to you and your cats, real and virtual.
I'm laughing! I'm a real fringe player on Facebook...accept invitations but rarely go to the party. I'm quite happy on blogger...and need a life besides.
Well said, Sandi. Look after that twitch!
Oh dear - you've got it bad! Do you need an intervention? LOL!
I've stayed away so far, just darkening the facebook doorstep when the kids tell me that there are new photos of the grand kids there. You've strengthened my resolve!
Sandi: I must say that it is a confusing world with so many invatations to do things. You captured it so well.
I'm not sure how I avoided getting lost in FB. I finally joined but it's too overwhelming for me so I rarely check it.
I understand about your addiction to FB. I use to play Pet Society and had the highest points. Then we moved and I lost my games thanks to changing my new email address. Just didn't have the heart to start all over again. It takes up too much time and I can't get all my work done.
Don't forget your blog friends.
And I thought I was the only one spending so much time on FB! LOL. FB is one of the reasons,I have fallen off blogging. But FB has also given me much fodder to write about. So stay tuned....
As always, I enjoy your posts. Please don't ever stop blogging.
something must be slightly wrong with me . I go there and cannot get interested in anything.??
This is too funny! I have about as much time on Facebook as I do my blog these days which is nill!
Haven't gotten into all the farms, farkel, mafia stuff - and all the requests for it - crazy!!!
I do have to admit that I love to play PATHWORDS!
hope you are well. Have a great week.
Sandi the biggest problem with facebook I find, it is a total waste of time, and it is addictive, next thing you searching for friends, accepting stuff - been there, done that, and I am not proud of it. I find the same with youtube, you can just go on and on. Sandi however this was one fun post to read. Anna :)
Isn't it awful??? e-mail me and I'll tell ya my real name if you wanna be fb friends!
Facebook, Farmville, they should be banned! Bloggers are forsaking their blogs in droves because of it. I can't get my daughter off the laptop either so I can blog and visit!
Facebook, Farmville, they should be banned! Bloggers are forsaking their blogs in droves because of it. I can't get my daughter off the laptop either so I can blog and visit!
Thank goodness I was away while you went out and let us old-fashioned bloggers look like .... well, old-fashioned blokes! ;-)
Glad you found the time to tell us about all the fun you were having. *giggle*
Great post! I have been registered at facebook since its infancy. During the last three years I have never spend more than 5 minutes a week there on average.;)) But I am trying to finally get into it a bit more.;))
Thank you for your lovely comments at my place at all times.;))
I'm laughing with joy at my good sense to stay away from Facebook.
i used to play apps of farmville, farmtown and barnbuddy. glad i escaped lol. toooo time-consuming.
I am giggling like crazy here Sandi!! Only you could dedcribe it all so well and with so much humor!
I was like you...had so many begging me to join up. So I did and I got sucked right into the Facebook Black Hole! LOVE it but wow.
Yoville, Farmville, Farm Town, Mafia Wars, Fish World, Island Paradise. So many virtual worlds and I can barely keep my REAL world together!
Love how you write dear friend.
I do sometimes feel like the kid who doesn't get the joke. Facebook. Joined it. Check. Accepted friends. Check. Got bored immediately. Check.
What the heck is wrong with me?!
Hi sweet friend!
I know, I know...it's facebook this and facebook that! I too am doing facebook even though I can hardly keep up with blogging. What did I just type?! I CAN'T keep up with blogging and certainly not both. But I'm trying. Now all that "stuff" with Farmville, etc. doesn't interest me at all...thank goodness.
I'll go now and send you a friend request for facebook.
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes and your visits, even when I'm MIA which has been quite often lately. I can't seem to stay organizied, but that's okay...my life is full, right?
bye bye blog, Sandi's discovered facebook. :-)
I loved this post and do understand your amusement... there are pitfalls in f/b for highly addictive personalities, and keepign up with lots of blogs is also time consuming! Since I discovered google reader and "networked blogs", I can do all of that, and I now blog more regularly because it means all 500 facebook friends now see it as well .. and I still have time for some farming and mafia wars...while still enjoying the ability to hear from family everywhere, and have a laugh at the antics and photos of my past students.
It is also great that there is nothing wrong with preferring either method because they are both ways to find and make contact with people all over the world:)
Made me smile!
FB can be a waste of time, or a way to communicate that is revolutionary...
A word of advice: don't accept invitations to anything, don't receive or send gifts, etc...it all gets overwhelming. Just stick with updating your status and responding to your friends'...and you will have fun, promise!
what's your facebook address? I just looked at several sandi mcbrides...actually invited one to be my friend, and she said she wasn't you...help!
Oh, Sandi. You made me laugh with this postsimply because it's all so true!
What about all your friends in Blogland?
Hi Sandi
I am not on FB, my kids are--and they are not interested in friending me so i thought, well, heck, if i want to talk to you I already do! So far no FB for me!
I truly find Facebook to be mostly a vapid wasteland. Of course, as with anything, the good is no doubt there if you want to search for it, but I've done enough searching in my life and now I want to enjoy the things I've found. So, I mostly give it a miss.
Crack me up!!! Ok ...well I have been getting invites to join Facebook too but after reading this its out of the question.... I am so far behind on all I need to do now!!!
LOVE your storybook version of it... you have a way with words my friend...
still not up to snuff on things that I mentioned.... seems its going to be a while yet
Lol! Am on Face book but thankfully am not addicted! (yet!)
Are the asking ransom??? ;-)
Happy Sunday!
Are the asking ransom??? ;-)
Happy Sunday!
Oh goodness...I'm a Facebook addict too.
no, no, no...I can't do it. I admit I am on Facebook only because I was told it's a boost to my business...but and that's a big BUT, I just can't do all the apps. (as they are called). Poor Bobby G. would never ever see me then. And besides I can't give up blogger. :)
Love the post.......
Nice post very informative i love it....
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