A few years ago my husband Mac and I went out on a limb. No, really. We ACTUALLY went out on a limb. Going through our library of gardening books looking for "how to prune Pecan trees" we decided we pretty well knew what to do and how to do it. We assembled saws and ladder, (including a chain saw. ) There was only one pecan tree to make the pruning attempt upon, but it was so large it was like pruning three trees. We attacked it from about 8 different directions and all was going well. My nerves over the use of the chain saw were taken in hand and I found that I could assist Mac without having a breakdown. We were on the last limb when disaster struck. The chainsaw became lodged in the limb. Mac told me to climb up on the ladder and push up on the limb in an attempt to free the chain saw. So, in our attempts to free the saw from the grip of the limb, I pushed a little harder than maybe I should have. The limb exploded, the ladder flid out of place, fell to the ground and I hit the pavement...I broke two ribs and as we learned later, my neck. I swore that I would never attempt such a thing again.
Well, that was then, this is now. We have this apple tree here at the new house. It is a very big old apple tree. Limbs are growing willy-nilly and crossing over, going straight up, curving around. And to top it off, it had a terrible case of fire blight. Mac started out spraying it to kill the fire blight. The first spring we had such beautiful flowers and soon there was fruit. The fruit wasn't pretty to look at. Due to the trees diseased state, the fruit fell off the limbs to soon. We decided the tree needed lots more work. We tackled this job Tuesday.
Mac got out the (new) ladder and the chainsaw. I had the loppers in hand and got the smaller branches on the bottom that were growing in all directions. Mac cranked the chainsaw and I stood back as far as was humanly possible to stand and still remain in sight. After a few limbs were expertly trimmed from the main trunk of the tree, I was coaxed closer, Mac assuring me that all would be well this time.
There was one limb that went straight up out of the main trunk and took up much sunlight for something that was dead as a hammer. This branch was as big around as a man's leg. It was very hard wood and Mac was having a time getting the saw to cut through it. Hesitantly, I approached the tree and tried to help. Finally, we tied a rope around the limb and using the tractor, pulled it down and out of the way.
There was much pulling, tugging, twisting and straining to make this tree look as good as it does right now. We hauled limbs till dusk. This time there were no accidents involving the tree, and I didn't get knocked off the ladder by a sizable limb. I just feel as though I had been. The difference in five years from then till now is amazing. We did the job on Tuesday. This is Friday. Recovery may take a while. I remember my mother singing "too old to cut the mustard anymore." Those words speak volumes.

WINTER re back? Spring, small princess where you went to? I love you, I miss you. But you is not see me here. I do not live, I go to find you. lol.
Health is the Greatest Happiness & The World at The Present
Happy birthday to Mac!
Happy late Birthday Mac. I bet Sandi treated you so special.
Hope things go great around the home. I know ever time I think about plants we get a chill so Im just trying to wait.
A belated birthday to Mac!
Sandi, hope that you and Mac have considered that in order to be hale and hearty upon this earth for many more years that you may have to give up some of these chores. Not all, just some. It's not worth a beautiful apple tree at the cost of your health and well being. Boy, am I ever glad that this is a repeat post and all this didn't just happen. Phew!
I like to keep my cellphone handy when helping (overseeing) these kind of chores. I can call 911 with the touch of a button!
Hope Mac had a happy birthday and that you both prop your feet up and enjoy the day!
Take a break. You deserve it.
Happy B'day, Mac!!
Happy belated birthday, Nac.
Good luck at the ``branch'' office, Sandi!!
Wishing Mac a very Happy Birthday...m.
You broke two ribs???? :0
Happy belated birthday Mac.
Your re-runs are Always great reading sweetie!!
Don't work too hard!!hughugs
Belated Happy Birthday to Mac.
Get a tree surgeon in next time. Haven't you done enough damage to yourself.
Hope you get caught up soon. Spring it's hard to do it all around here. We have the inside finished now temps are getting nice we will start outdoors, chainsaw,ladder and pruners!
Have a great wk.
You broke your neck??? Yikes.
Tree surgery, in my humble opinion, should be left to the experts. The very notion of being up in a tree with a chainsaw is enough to give me palpitations.
We had a large tree pollarded last year. A team of fit young men came along to tackle it. They had body harnesses and ropes (one was stationed on the ground to make sure the ropes stayed properly anchored) and they had safety goggles and they had chainsaws, handsaws, and a couple of other implements up there and they took NO risks. And yet they got the job done in a timely and professional manner and (most importantly) no-one got hurt. Not even by a falling twig.
You stay safe now, you hear me? Don't make me come over there!!
I held my breath the entire time I read this, hoping it didn;t end with a repeat performance like before. Glad it ended well, but sorry you're so sore.
That sounds a very dangerous task, Sandi.
Surprised you went back for more. Don't think I would have.
Anyway glad it went without incident this time round.
Sorry about that. I had a problem leaving a comment. Please feel free to delete a few.
Happy belated birthday to Mac !
My! Fancy breaking two ribs and your neck. But more than that, fancy attempting it a second time! I am terrified of all things to do with chain saws, and would have nothing to do with one. And I didn't see the film!!!!
Sounds like you'll be sackin' out in front of the TV for a while, huh? Our snow is starting to melt, and I saw a couple of daffodils trying to punch through the frozen tundra. I'm sure in the mood for spring!
LOL Happy Birthday, Mac! May you have many, many more! Congratulations on a good tree trimming job!
Sandi, does this half week + n days of exhaustion mean you are too tired to think your way through a bingo in scrabble? (weg)
Happy birthday to Mac!
You can't keep a good woman down ~ I would have been back out there too! Glad you survived this round with just a few aches and no major injuries!
Trimmed our apple trees last weekend.. I stayed far away and let the hubby and the brother do that work...... I am toooooooooo old to fall! hahahhaah
Glad you made it through that one without a tumble !
Hello Sandi, thank you for visiting my blog and for that wonderful comment! I've thoroughly enjoyed discovering so many beautiful stories and the people behind them.
Life's too short to get hit on the head with falling branches. Pay someone else to do it! Happy belated bithday to yer man there.
I for one I am really glad you two made it out from under the tree alive and well!
Congratulations on David's POD award! :-)
Not an easy job I expect. We have a tree here that is currently in the process of being chopped - it really needs to be cut down altogether but that's another story!
CJ xx
Happy birthday Mac!
Glad there were no more accidents.
Sandi! Can you hear me "Tsk Tsk Tsking" from over here????
Can't you hire someone to do these things?????
Thanks for the re-run, Sandi. I hadn't watched it the first time around. And it's a great episode, the one called "Out on a Limb."
I hope Mac's celebration was happy. May this be a joyous year for the two of you!
Happy Birthday, Mac! Hope the year ahead is magnificently filled with joys.
P.S. And I believe after your breakneck experience, you would be entitled to a life free of tree trimming. The father of a friend of mine fell out of a tree he was trimming and had to be hospitalized. No broken bones, but his entire body was bruised. And it was a heck of away to start his retirement.
I broke just one rib a few weeks ago and was in so much pain. I can't imagine what you must have experienced.
I hope you get lots of apples off that tree to make it all worthwhile.
MY GOD! Ribs and your neck?
And yet you went at it again. Yes, five years can be a lifetime in some ways.
(OK, you totally cracked me up at my place today. Much thanks. Much needed.)
Hello, you chereto, Michalis from Greece
I'll bet Mac was spoiled rotten, huh? Smile. Goodness Sandi, when I read what you get up to, I feel such a total wimp. That fall was a narrow escape, bad as it was, it could have been far worse, eh? But to go off and tackle yet another tree afterwards?? Sheesh, girl - respect!
You were brave to get back out there Sandi after your accident. My OH was up a tree today lopping branches - I just watched from a distance.
A belated happy birthday to Mac.
A x
Wow....brave of you to get back up on that old horse. Glad it worked out better for you 'the second time around'.
I am noticing alot of limbs coming down in my neighbourhood lately. Tis the season I suppose....
Happy belated birthday to Mac. And take care of yourself--that sounds like something that would wear anyone out!
Glad the whole thing was accident-free this time around...
I can't believe you are doing that!!!! Tree trimming should be left to those who love heights and danger!! (Oh, is that you?)
Happy BD to your MAC!!
Hmmm. I'm thinking something must not be functioning on the up and up with my reader as I came across this post via David's Post of the Day. Generally, when he gives a "post of the day" to someone on my reader or following listings, I have already read it as it has shown up on my reader a day or two prior to David's putting it up on the POD list. However, this one had never shown up on my reader as a new post from you. Now what's wrong with my darned reader and is this doing that with other bloggers I read daily -if their posts are up on my reader anyway? I hope this was just a fluke as I sure don't want to miss any of your posts, Sandi -your blog rocks, in my book!
BTW, I'm starting a new Pop'rs Giveaway tomorrow!!
ouch I cannot understand when I do the smallest of jobs i hav e to sit down for twice the time- The girl who used to work 5 jobs - glad it was a great birthday sandy
I hope things slow down for you a bit my friend.
my hubby did that once..years ago...now that he is much older, i dont think there is much fear he will get up on a ladder with a chainsaw again...Our old oak needs trimmed, but the tree guy cant get his equipment through our driveway, its too narrow with the sunroom that was built on our house......i guess i will have a fully shaded yard again this summer!
Hello Sandi, the bad blogger is back.
Happy Birthdday to Mac, sorry I am a bit late.
Thank you for the email, glad you like the gift.
I am going to try and visit blogland more often now that I have my parents all sorted.
Remember you told me a about something you had been working on!?
What has happened?
Carol xx
Miss you! Hope your hubs had a good Birthday :)
The nasty white stuff is still falling here :(
I really want spring...
Hey Sandi, Well guess what? We (when I say we, I mean Bobby G all by his lonesome) had the chain saw accident this time. Trimming out small trees in the front natural area and he just cut right into his leg. He's fine...required a trip to the emergency room and stitches and shots. Life's never dull in the country. Between you and me I just as soon he leave the darn thing in the shed! xo Lynn
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