I believe I have been in a malaise...not really a funk, not really depression (I don't have manic/depressive periods...just manic.) I was like a well fed cat, content to piddle around doing not much of nothing, napping in the afternoon, watching my new addiction, Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the evenings and now here is something you will find hard to believe...I've only played three or maybe four games of Scrabble with my pal Lee in the past several weeks. Why she hasn't called out the dogs on me, I have no clue.
But now here we are in the beginning of Spring, the greenhouse is loaded with plants (to get your own, for 99 bucks, free shipping, go here ( http://shop.ebay.com/i.html?_nkw=greenhouse&_sacat=0&_odkw=greenhouse+kit&_osacat=0&_trksid=p3286.c0.m270.l1313 ) and Mac has been turning over the garden space and suddenly, I'm alive. I think I may have been keeping that darned rodent, Phil company in his den. I knew we were in trouble when he saw his shadow...I've been here before. It's not a new condition, but one I promise myself not to visit to often. So, today I return to the place I love the best, and offer some pictures up as a mea culpa to show why we call our place Orchard Cottage. Then I'm going visiting, I've missed my friends. First, here are the plum and peach trees all in bloom...followed by the pear and Victoria Plums...and the most spectacular flower in our garden...the Arianna Lily...all dressed in blue