This is "Pea Patch", English Peas, actually. Also at each corner is Cabbage. In the background is our Blackberry patch...blooming like mad!

And here is a close up of the Potato crop. This is one of two bins we've planted. These are Yukon Gold, the other bin is Idaho Baking potato

Now, how is this for lettuce? And it's only one side of the bed. Romaine and Butter Crunch are my favorites. I regret not planting spinach, but in the fall we'll remedy that mistake! Nothing as tasty as a mixed green salad with baby spinach!

This is my Day Lily Bed. Last year I cleaned out the old bed and took up all the little "nuts" that clung to the roots. This is the result! Lots of new plants that cost me nothing.

And this is the Iris Bed. There are still many to bloom, and I am looking forward to their arrival. Note the "Southern Charm" headboard and footboard...I did tell you it was an Iris Bed!

The Plum trees are proving to be quite abundantly loaded with fruit...

This head of broccoli will be in my freezer tonight! It's one of about 8 heads that we grew.

Mac is an amazing gardener who grows all his own plants. These he started back in February, they're ready for the garden!

Here is our square foot garden filled with lettuce, broccoli , onions, cabbage and cucumber plants. At the head of it is our potato crop in a large bin. This is one of the three square foot garden beds we have in the garden.

Last year in September, Lowe's had these Clematis Plants (you may say CLEMatis or CleMATIS, either is correct). They looked dead, were only fifty cents each and I brought home these...they're lovely, aren't they?

View of the other "dead" plant!

This is a closeup of one of my many Iris in the Iris bed that is blooming...remember to click on the photo to enlarge it if you want.
You know it is absolutely amazing how our gardens can get along without us for a bit, but our neglect will tell, in the end. So this week, every morning, Mac and I have been out weeding and watering, planting and thinning...and harvesting. The lettuce is at the "pull me now" stage and we've been enjoying wonderful salads every night this week. The broccoli will be pulled today and go into to the freezer after blanching. Except for one head which will go in the steamer for supper tomorrow. I could really live on fruits and vegetables these days, the fresher the better.
I'm still not quite 100 percent, I find that even though I've just spent two weeks in bed, I tire quite easily, so I just do a bit more each day. I'm getting there. I have plans for the flower beds and Mac has plans for the vegetable garden. I am still reeling from all the bounty of lettuce and onions, the potato bins will be full this summer...and we grew it all ourselves. I'm including pictures!
Thanks so much for keeping an eye on me and holding my feet to the healing fire of rest!! I love you all.